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To: conserv371
If there is no Adam and Eve, then there is where does wrong originate? If no wrong, then there is no reason for Jesus Christ being born. If no Adam and Eve, then marriage has no significance. If we have no eternal destiny and are just animals, then live it up.


I find it perplexing that evolutionists, who claim to respect other people's religion, can not grasp that evolution has political, cultural, and religious consequences for all the children in the room.

Children are not stupid. They learn a great deal from what is NOT mention as from what is explicitly taught. So....for the religious child, when a teacher in a position of authority teaches about the origin of man, while neglecting the spiritual, this teacher is indirectly teaching a profound religious lesson to that child.

Why is it so hard for evolutionists to understand that it is highly religiously offensive to discuss the origins of life sanitized of God?

There are also political consequences. As you pointed out where does wrong originate? If there is no mention of God where are moral absolutes? If the government in the form of a teacher neglects the mention of God, then what is the student to conclude? Is he going to decide that the teacher believes they are not an "Endowment from our Creator" but constructs of the government?

Cultural is inexorably tied to religion. When a child is forced by threat of armed police, court, and foster care into an environment which actively undermines his most precious cultural traditions, this is emotional child abuse. When a child is forced to associate with teachers and other children who actively and deliberately set out to undermine his trust and faith in his family, this is emotional child abuse.

Parents and children have a first amendment right not to have government in the form of armed police enforced schools actively undermining their religious traditions.

Parents and children have a first amendment right not to have government FORCE them to assemble with those who would actively and deliberately undermine and preach against their religious traditions.

Parents have a 17th Amendment right to direct the upbringing of their children. Government has NO right to threaten parents with armed police, court, or foster care action if they refuse to cooperate with government schools that are doing exactly that.

Children have a 13th Amendment right not to FORCED into government indoctrination camps that actively undermines their family cultural and religious traditions. They have committed no crime!

The solution is to begin the complete privatization of universal K-12 education. Let parents, teachers, and principals negotiate the political, cultural, and religious consequences of the teaching of the origin of life.

By the way,,,in case evolutionists think I am a Neanderthal, I support evolution. I have no conflict with evolution and my religion.

Also....evolution is merely one of hundreds of issues that can NEVER be neutral, politically, culturally or religiously.
200 posted on 03/10/2006 5:39:49 PM PST by wintertime (Good ideas win! Why? Because people are not stupid.)
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To: wintertime
"...for all the children..."

209 posted on 03/10/2006 6:01:10 PM PST by Luis Gonzalez (Some people see the world as they would want it to be, effective people see the world as it is.)
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To: wintertime
Why is it so hard for evolutionists to understand that it is highly religiously offensive to discuss the origins of life sanitized of God?

I completely agree. But don't take the misguided words of professed advocates out on the scientific facts. We shouldn't let what people say or what they misunderstand allow anyone to attack the core truths of Evolution (which again, doesn't directly address the original origin of life).

213 posted on 03/10/2006 6:04:13 PM PST by Bingo Jerry (Bing-freaking-go!)
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