>>>uh huh. and...(speaking slowly) you don't think a woman who wants to have sexual relations with another woman has a slight mental problem?>>>
Personally, I think you have a mental problem. Jeez, you need some therapy.
It's a very reasonable and incredibly important question to ask as to the mental health OF ANYONE who seeks to foster care any child or chidren.
Taking into consideration the sexual behavior of any adult who seeks to provide foster care is also very important.
Considering homosexuality as disagreeable and problematic for the environment of children is no more indicative of 'a mental problem' than is asking other significant questions.
By the mere fact that homosexuals and defenders of their behaviors, such as yourself, assume that a homosexual would and could and does provide a comparable environment to a heterosexual environment is evidence that there's some important aspect being either manipulated or avoided. Otherwise, humankind would not have been nor continue to consider the differences and issues involved.
There's a higher rate of domestic abuse, for example, among homosexual couples than among heterosexual couples. And, a higher rate of promiscuity. And lack of commitment. All these issues and conditions vastly affect the quality of the environment for children and because of that, a person who is homosexual is more likely to have emotional and even "mental" problems that would and do affect children. To summarize, their sexuality should be and is a very important consideration as to possible foster care.