Good point, but what about the fact that these kids are being used by North American tourists?
I stand entirely by my original point - that all adults who have sex with children should be executed. Of course, the age cut off is important; for instance, a 20 year old having sex with a 15 year old is not and should not be a capital crime. There is so much wrong... In the "old days" girls often married very young, young teenaged girls would often marry a man 10 years older. There really is nothing wrong with that.
But young teenagers and adolescents (or younger) being prostituted, and add to that the homosexual aspect - there really need to be severe, serious penalties for the johns. If not execution, then public beatings. I'm all for castration, too. Being used sexually ruins these kids, probably for life. I doubt many of them can be rehabilitated. They'll just get older (if they survive) and sell the younger kids.
But yet this 13 year old girl is a little whore???
I'm taking the practical approach here that executing all adults who have sexual relationships with minors is not ever going to be put into place/practice.
That is, it's undoubtedly, yes, the most effective solution to the problem of sexual predators but it's never going to occur (executing them all after first offense, or after all offenses, point is the executions won't ever be possible), but because it's not realistic, it seems reasonable to consider the problem from other perspectives and most of those are cultural.
The article only includes mention of people as offenders who are from the U.S. and other northern nations, but you never's only what's mentioned here.
I venture to guess that there is some percentage AMONG ALL OF HUMANITY that are sexual predators and engage in sexualizing and sexual contact with children and minors, and that the problem isn't inhernet to victims only in Mexico, nor predators/offendors only in the North, is my point, but that ACROSS HUMANITY, in all countries, there exists a percentage of humans who inhabit this problem.
As to Mexico, I do know that they have a very primitive standard as to when, at what age, a human becomes available and permissable sexually and that age is about twelve. And that it's a notoriously offensive characteristic as to a cultural definition and acceptance of who and what is "macho" to aggress upon pubescent girls for starters, and to impregnate them. Often without consent because it's an assumed privilege by "macho" standard culturally to aggress sexually upon available females.
I conclude that that, then, becomes the also-standard of acceptability, as sick as it is to most the rest of us, as to what male predators do and 'can do' within their perceptions of reasonableness (not mine, not yours, not the average person's) to THEIR sexual targets...and that is to aggress upon the very young because it's "good" and not "bad" as to their perceptions by their "peers." Same standard works in relationship to males upon females as to the "macho" factor...which isn't limited to heterosexual contact, nor to adult contact either, given what groups are considered.
There isn't effective cultural punishment and stigma for these vile behaviors, and even encouragement, is the point, and unless that changes, the problem becomes more familiar and more familiar to more in the population until te shock factor is diminished. Which is why I earlier described it as "primitive" and that's because there seems to be a far lower degree of cultural reprimand for senseless and offensive behaviors.
Same thing in parts of Southeast Asia and Africa, by the way. And Brazil, and other parts of South America.
MANY people would like to see a death penalty exacted upon any and all who are sexual predators. From what I've read and heard about sub-humans such as that, they are not going to change and their problems are not going to be modified. Thus, they pose a permanent problem to society to contend with and unless predators are removed from general circulation in society, they continue to predate and thus, create more like themselves in some who they victimize.
Yes, put predators to death. But it won't ever happen, is my point, not realistically. I think they need to be permanently incarcertated, however. and the worst, yes, executed. I know it's an effective punishment in some Asian societies, but that's only effective for those they identify and capture, it does nothing to reduce or conclude the predatory behavior itself.