What orphace did you pull out that $369 number??? Just curious, you have offer no support for it.
Since some of you started out loudly yelling that the prebate amounted to $600 billion, that's a 20% improvement already
Actually, I usually estimated it about $500 Billion. After crunching the census details for households and discounting for non-citizens, I have concluded the actual number will be $480 Billion, which is about $500 Billion for all practicle purposes.
and I haven't even begun to show your errors.
I am not exactly holding my breath for that since you haven't a clue what you are talking about anyways. But please show me my errors. I can't wait for the queen fairy finally speak.
Read post #299 again. Also read how the prebate is defined in the bill. A lot of the numbers you use clearly won't get the preate - and that's what #299 shows.
Those are certainly errors on the part of both you and Nightie. Either that or lies - you may decide which.
The $368 B estimate I used came from the family households number (an estimated 76,217,000) times the average prebate YOU figured of $4,845 per household. That works out to a bit over $369 B. THAT'S the orifice it came out of - yours.
Had you read more closely you world already have known that.
YOU may have used $500 B (more recently upped to $557 B and now dropped to $480 B), but others in you tribe of lost souls have screamed continually about the number being $600 B or more. It hardly matters since as I show in #299 (where your errors are described), it is clearly under $400 B ... WELL under).
IAE the discussion is meaningless since the prebate is not an entitlement but a refund of sales tax paid (or to be paid).