FYI: I am adament I'm not descended from pond scum.
wallcrawlr = Christian
Think what you want of me. I'm big enough to handle it and my ego is small enough not to care.
The difference is in the maturity level of the discussion. I choose not to go into serious namecalling fests. Thats not how I want to represent myself on Fr. Others obviously have a different way.
This is one of those threads thats become an embarrasment to Fr. No matter what side of the topic you are on. Few have taken the high ground, many have decided to take this article and use it to "beat up" on each other.
No guy. Simply washing your hands of it won't get them clean. Only one side is advocating violence here. Only one. There is no moral equivalence.
We are in complete agreement here. Re - Chester et al.
Think what you want of me.
I do not think badly of you. Never have, never will. I don't agree with your positiopn on evolution, but that is already a given. :-)