Pray tell, why?
Good idea to stay off the streets for a few days ~ 'til it wears off.
Bet your paranoia got the best of you for a few moments there eh?!
Life is better with a clear mind, and a clear conscience. In fact, try Jesus, he's the greatest high known to man. You can get high without being on drugs, and you can have total control of your facilities. Your body will be healthier, so your chances of longer life is greater.
Not only that, even when you do go through pain, you know that "all things work together for good to those who love God." That means when you do die, you're not just a wasted human life. You have an eternal life in heaven, not to mention a life full of good and honesty on earth. So you'll not have that overriding burden of guilt in your life. You'll have the strength to face up to your problems, with the power of God's Holy Spirit, and you'll not have to run from them into a bottle or with a pill. And you can speak your mind with truly no fear. Have you ever really had no fear for any long period in your life? I do many times.
Read my tag-line. I used to be a drunk and a pothead, with nothing to show for it but the lives I was ruining. Now I have eternal peace. You'll never get that from any amount of drugs.
There is power in the blood of Jesus Christ. Jesus rules, man! Eternal happiness and peace. Why turn that down?
I wrote this poem. It has to do with my victory over drugs in my life with the help of Jesus.
Walking In The Spirit
1 Corinthians 6:20
When I walk in the Spirit
My mind is sound.
When I read and obey His Word,
His blessings are profound.
And what I've found
(or what has found me)
is deeper than the bluest sea.
In Christ is mercy,
and blessings in His commands;
which you cannot understand
in the World's or Satan's hands.
When you stand before your Maker,
on that judgment day,
will you know His Word?
Did He guide you in the narrow way?
Too confident is the flesh.
And so the Word of God is all to know
to walk in the spirit,
and to have works to throw
when at the feet in eternal days
of Him worthy of all praise.