Tancredo just cemented himself as a kook, a moron and a $hithead....
you want an unending war, nuke all their holy sites....that makes absolutely no sense. This guy is well on his way of going Buchanan on you all and I will laugh when he DOES NOT get the nomination.
Tancredo is as nuts as Michael Savage. Both have their devoted followers who actually think the actions they recommend would be helpful, and little can be said to change their opinions.
People like crying "nuke 'em!" from the comfort of their den, but clearly do not appreciate the ramifications inherent. Nuclear war is the worst possible scenario - for all sides. If we have no choice, we have no choice. But it's not like the Battle of Britain where everyone cleans up and rebuilds at the end of the war.
But forget about us. Once the nuclear divide is breached - once the unthinkable comes to pass - there would certainly be a perceived impetus for Pakistan to nuke India and N. Korea to nuke S. Korea and Iran to nuke Israel.
Instead of calling us "moderates" or "leftists", they should consider what would happen in real life, not a Tom Clancy novel.
Nobody thinks he would get the nomination. Tancredo himself says as much. He would only run to try and make immigration/border control an issue. And that would be a good thing. We've seen with Bush how truly awful a 'conservative' can be on the issue, and with potential front-runner McCain trying to pass an amnesty through Congress, it would be nice if there were at least an attempt to get some conservative values injected into the borders/immigration debate.
And this was all a "what if"
Tancredo did not say we should use nukes first; rather that they should be an option if they use them on us.