The irony of it is that he isn't even a really good foreign policy president. He openly supports the anti-American Law of the Sea Treaty, FTAA and other measures that give more of our sovereignty to global governance bodies. LOST effectively gives the UN tax and regulatory powers independent of our control.
Whoever says that Bush is against the UN is either ignorant or dishonest. Part of the reason we invaded Iraq was to uphold UN resolutions against Saddam's WMD programs and now Bush actually quietly supports a UN treaty that would give them more power. In this case, real, meaningful power.
While President Bush's position on "free" trade is not the same as mine, that does not change my estimation of his stature in foreign policy nor of his accomplishments. I think it likely that history will record President Bush as one of our great presidents.
As to LOST, well, I wish it get lost, and President Bush's support of it is a blemish on his record.