If your point was you are a liar, yes, you made it. If your point is you want to attack people, not discuss issues, yes you made it.
For the record, I saw this article posted at another site and noted a full hour after the timestamp that it was still not posted here at FR. I found that shocking as FR used to be on top of the news. I noted I had not seen it posted here and had it set but was reluctant because the atmosphere here has gotten so nasty (and your posts illustrate that perfectly).
I then did post it and did inform that board that it was up here. Period. I made no further posts, in particular I did not mock anyone.
You go ahead and focus on personalities and groups and boards. I prefer to discuss the issues and the facts, not hysteria, surrounding them. I will, however, feel free to note when the tone and language have deteriorated here on FR.
I am interested in politics and current events and I like to talk with others who share that interest. If I can't do it here, I'll find someplace where I can. But I'd like to continue to do it here.
You pretty well made my point with your last post to me.
The writing is on the board for all to see.