I see a Trent Lott coming. Apologizing for something that needs no apology. Next the grovelling. When are the Republicans going to grow some nads and use the power that we gave them?
Did you notice that DeLay apologized for saying things the way he said them? He didn't say that he was sorry for the content.
This kind of reminds me of when Bush apologized for the fact that people heard him call Clymer an a-hole. Bush did NOT apologize for the sentiment, only for being overheard.
Odd, isn't it!
The GOP controls the Presidency, the House, and Senate, and it's still almost as if the libs are still in charge. Makes me wonder why we always get so excited when we finally start ousting libs.
It's springtime. Maybe this'll be the season!
BUMP for excellence in posting.
You said it all. DeLay just gave the dying socialist mainstream newsroons a power boost. Now they'll be all over him like Oprah on a ham. And he'll deserve it. How disappointing....
Right around this time i think
I sure don't remember a democrap ever apologizing for anything they've said either.
Thought the same thing when I read this-- why is it when a Dummycrat is accused, they all circle the wagons, and the story goes away. When a 'Pub is accused, his fellow 'Pubs join the fray?? Makes me wonder, just whose side are they on??
"I see a Trent Lott coming. Apologizing for something that needs no apology. Next the grovelling. When are the Republicans going to grow some nads and use the power that we gave them?"
Apparently - never.
Even controlling the Presidency and both houses of Congress, even with a popular mandate for their position, even with the moral high ground and the Constitution and all logic on their side, the Republican leadership has demonstrated it totally lacks any capacity to effectively carry out the political agenda the nation wants and needs.
This latest episode with DeLay once more demonstrates this fact.
I'm angry and disgusted and feel betrayed by my party. I really think the time has come for a third party which can more effectively carry out the political agenda the Republicans CLAIM they support, and more effectively oppose the atheist - socialist - one worlders in the DemocRAT Party.
We won the battle and lost the war.
It's so frustrating to have won, then to have guys like Frist not have the grapes to do what should be done.
Every time a Rat says boo, the Republicans jump.
I am so disgusted with what the Republican party has become.