To: mercyme
" All i know is the numerous comments you have made about hospice, like you are very well acquainted with them. you provided the comments."
Has the commandment about bearing false witness just been completely been tossed out by y'all?
Show me my "numerous comments" you claim I have made, MercyMe.
I recall 1, *maybe* 2, stated in terms of loved ones near death.
And where on earth did you get the rest of that detailed fantasy you dreamed up about me? And why did you feel the need?
Do you think only one doc said she was PVS?
Do you think Cranford said Weland was PVS?
Do you think this was a quality of life case?
If not, is it OK with you to have those claims made?
And if not, then why the hell accuse me of being part of the Hospice death cult whatever because I pointed out they weren't true in the same breath as saying I think they shouldn't have removed her tube?
THIS is wrong. And that it is so unGodly rampant is the only reason why there was a WPPFF.
260 posted on
04/14/2005 1:27:45 AM PDT by
(9/9/2000) I'd rather be uncertain in my pursuit of truth than certain in my defense of a falsehood) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson