You're going to punish Santorum for doing the same thing that President Bush did, i.e., supporting Specter? Did you vote for Kerry in 2004 or what?
One misjudgement does not (usually), a bad senator make.
Regards, Ivan
One senator is not the equivalent of a President. I voted for President Bush, not because I agreed with his support of Arlen, but because Kerry would have beem so much worse. You cannot equate a senator with a president. The two are decidedly different. The Senator is one of my elected representatives in Congress and when he ceases to speak for me, I cease to support him.
I know that we get in the habit of ignoring the press, but before you comment on a comment, read the damn article. Show me where the article is wrong in the facts. Forget the conclusion. Come to your own, but look at the evidence presented first.