"You have to think large."
You are putting what's good for Santorum ahead of what's right and what's good for the country. They are NOT the same thing.
You act as though the only way to get money is thru the party. If Santorum had backed principle, not only would he have had the undying support of his constituents, he would have had an ally in the Senate with Toomey. It would have also taught a very valuable lesson that loyalty to principle works on a lot of levels.
What you are seeing now is that betrayal is costly. Because not only is Rick not likely to rise higher within the party anyway, he will have a hard time retaining his seat, if he does. He made a serious political miscalculation and he is either too arrogant or too stupid to realize it and correct it.
You can keep on beliveing that Santorum could buck his party and his president and somehow continue winning with the support only of the far right you mislabel "constituents." I'll deal with reality. You can only say "asked and answered" to my very real questions about political reality cause you have no answers.
In your dream world perhaps a man can run as a maverick right winger who bucks his party and all the people love him and shower him with money and the media all worship him, but I understand Rick is running for senator from Pennsylvania, not Oz.
Just to be clear once again, you ideologues wish to crucify Santorum for having the audacity to support fellow incumbent members of his own party.