Good afternoon one and all, sorry I have been offline, but still am so busy...just took a little break, before I have to color Easter Eggs, and fix the easter baskets up...
Glad to see the thread is still strong, and gaining momentum, as a call for sanity returns...we can all disagree, ,or agree, but sanely...
Wish I had more time to spend here, but alas, the hubby is calling, we are now in the process of opening boxes, and moving new 'stuff' into our new RV...buying a new RV, is like buying a new of course, I have to have all new stuff to go into the RV...its like Christmas today, opening all the boxes...
Anyway, tomorrow, I will be busy, ,what with the son coming down for Easter...but I will be back in full force on Monday...I will just be popping in and out today, and tomorrow...dont forget about me...
You're my personal BUCKHEAD!