I am sorry Saundra. These are the same people who say that Terri has begun talking the last week. Call my cynical, but I am not going to take their word for it.
It sounds more like Christ's passion imagery gone amuck. I predict her hands and feet will "start bleeding" soon too. I hate to be this cynical, but the lies told, have brought me to this point.
It is a tragedy what has befallen Terri Schiavo. Let's not cheapen her life and death by sensationalism.
This is Saundra's post on another thread. Several days back she announced to FR in at least 3 different posts that she would not eat until Terri's feeding tube was restored. On the last of the three, she told us she was getting weak from not eating. Saundra loves melodrama.
These folks were most likely bidders on the grilled cheese sandwich with the Virgin Mary on it.
"Let's not cheapen her life and death by sensationalism."
Absolutely. If the Left were doing this crap the outrage would be deafening.