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To: MikeinIraq
The cold hard truth that has been divulged in this Schiavo circus is that the Right-to-Lifers think they can hijack the Republican Party...and they'll do this over my dead body!

When court after court, judge after judge refuses to review the case it is because it has been scrutinized up the koozaah already.

You people cannot have it both ways.

We have screamed and harped about activist is the cornerstone of President Bush's strategy to get his judicial nominations approved...hell, voted upon.

All you bible thumpers and Jesus freaks are doing is shopping around looking for an activist judge that agrees with you.

Thank heaven we are a nation of laws and not a nation of men.

I feel terrible that Terri Schiavo is going to die like this.

But damnit, if they can come up with a midnight law to suspend your driver's license in the event you drive off without paying for a tank of gas, they can script a law that favors life in situations like this.

There is no way Michael Schiavo has acted anything but proper in the manner in which we arrived today.

Once again, I ask...I BEG for all of you to STFU and get in the backseat and let the grownups drive the bus. With you folks at the wheel, we're going over the cliff.

All the advances we've made since The Contract with American will have been blown to smithereens. How dare the Executive Branch overstep their bounds? How dare they? For votes? Don't make me laugh. Where in the hell are you going to take your vote. To Hillary Clinto? To Ralph Nader? To the war hero John Kerry?

One guy explains the publicity of this case. Randall Terry. That's all one need to know about Terri Schiavo.

191 posted on 03/24/2005 5:56:36 PM PST by DCPatriot ("It aint what you don't know that kills you. It's what you know that aint so" Theodore Sturgeon)
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To: DCPatriot


197 posted on 03/24/2005 5:59:48 PM PST by G.Mason (The replies by this poster are meant for self-amusement only. Read at your own discretion.)
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To: DCPatriot

Randall Terry. That says it all, doesn't it?

208 posted on 03/24/2005 6:06:29 PM PST by Peach
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To: DCPatriot
"The cold hard truth that has been divulged in this Schiavo circus is that the Right-to-Lifers think they can hijack the Republican Party..."

You know, there's two sad things about this.

First, there's plenty of room for both prolifers AND prochoice conservatives in the GOP. Certainly, ther is room to discuss the issue rationally and come to a consensus. The radicals, however, with their zero-tolerance position, force out those who might otherwise, except for those particular issues, be GOP-supporters. No one likes to be called a "baby killer" in polite conversation.

Second, those radicals are NOT really as conservative as they think. They feel true passion for only ONE ISSUE. They basically ignore all others, and play at scorched-Earth tactic to achieve it, as we have seen. Even when they get what they want (which requires INCREASED government involvement with private lives on most levels), they scream for MORE, and repeat their threats to stay home.

One must ask, where is all this passion, activism, and effort on, say, taxes? Social Security? The furshlugginer WAR, for the luvva Mike? Where's the calls for congress and the President to work weekends and allnighters to fix the budget, or to repair Eminent Domain laws? To repeal patently anti-Constitutional gun laws?

(sound of crickets chirping)

We simply cannot continue to have the entire GOP and conservative agenda shunted aside at the whim of an extreme fringe with more decibels than numbers. In this particular issue, it has probably damaged chances to get anything else done, and possibly the chance to continue the reforms begun after 2006/8.

244 posted on 03/24/2005 6:28:07 PM PST by Long Cut ("Do not take me for some conjurer of cheap tricks!")
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To: DCPatriot
One guy explains the publicity of this case. Randall Terry. That's all one need to know about Terri Schiavo

Bravo!! Randall Terry makes my skin crawl. What an absolute poor PR person. I wouldnt doubt he's the reason the Republicans couldnt get the necessary votes in the FL legislature yesterday. Also heard that he is behind the poor legal representation that the Schindlers have been getting.

Jay Sekulow on the other hand makes me think and almost changes my view. But as soon as Jay makes his point, Randall Terry jumps in with something outrageous.

248 posted on 03/24/2005 6:29:32 PM PST by Dave S
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To: DCPatriot

"judge after judge refuses to review the case it is because it has been scrutinized up the koozaah already"

You make the logical fallacy of equating greater numbers with therefore them necessarily having greater truth. If a HUNDRED people examine it, doesn't mean that if something comes to the fore which changes things, that truth can't therefore be known, and the original 100 be shown to be in error.

Not all cases are fought like this one. There are errors brought out here in time, things which have not been treated with due process, such as: Terri never having her OWN attorney, but through Michael. Not having current medical testing. Her husband having another woman and kids since 1996. We should support life and morality and justice, and also mercy.

"To him who has no mercy, will no mercy be shown."

289 posted on 03/24/2005 6:54:18 PM PST by gentlestrength (Lord, make us a nation where Love is supreme over Law)
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