I don't think we know enough to state categorically one way or the other.
I agree with you...
We have no clue as to what went on between the mother and the father. More often than we care to admit, the hurt of a marriage gone bad clouds the judgement of both parties as far as the kids concerned. The kids become pawns and many times the parents do not realize it.
It is human nature.....It is something I am sure all broken families must have to deal with. It does not make either one of them more of a suspect than anyone else. It makes them human.
The important thing is that Mom and Dad sat together last night pleading for Jessica. It may not be easy and it may have been strained, but they did it. When Jessica returns home I think they will realize Jessica needs both of them in her life.
Every one of us has acted selfishly in our lives at one time or another and sadly, it sometimes takes a tragedy like this to realize the one who suffers most are the ones who are the most innocent.
I don't think he *could* keep her Mom from her, unless the courts had ordered it. No guy would keep me from MY kids unless he had a court order! So, there is apparently more to this issue than him just being a mean guy. Maybe keeping her from her Mom WAS in her best interest. I don't usually take that stance, but there are occasional instances.