This is irritating. US policy is for the establishment of a Palestinian state. You are outside of American mainstream thought on that. Or are you now saying that you support the establishment of a Palestinian state?
You left off the qualifiers. US policy is for the establishment of a democratic Palestinian state living side by side in peace with Israel.
That's not the kind of state the Palestinians want.
What I do not support is giving a state to a bunch of unrepentant terrorists while terrorism continues. What part of that do you find objectionable? Why do you want to give a state to terrorists? Why is that in America's interests?
Oh, and read the title of the thread again, please. What got me up in arms is not the call for a Palestinian state. Prime Minister Sharon made that part of his campaign platform if you remember. My anger at Secretary Rice is that she is talking about dividing Jerusalem. Do you understand the difference? Did you read the U.S. legislation I posted and what official U.S. policy on that issue is?
You repeat yourself endlessly but never answer my questions. Are you capable of independent thought or are you merely a parrot? Better yet, forget my question and answer Nachum's.