I may have gone overboard with ad-hominem attacks. I apologize if you are perturbed by the forum comments I posted. You sure seem to dish it out well enough.
I would not be too proud of being an USAF Academy Grad "At this time" considering the shenanigans that have been occurring for the last 7-8 years with harassment, drunkeness, rapes and congressional investigations pretty well documented by the press. You had better consider the caliber of the new academy grads and their reputation before you paint anyone else with a broad brush.
Yes - I also am a USAF combat veteran - with over 25 years in, started 3 days after I graduated high school, and am classified a VN and DS/DS, Haiti, Bosnia and OEF/OIF Vet. I also did some time in the ARNG. I think I am qualified to comment. Yes; I have been in Centcom's AOR repeatedly
You are calling for the blood of someone who is a Reservist who was in the AOR and off duty at the time. The individuals involved probably did get reduced in rank and are upset about the outcome and went to the press with pictures and a story. If this is the worst our folks can do in the AOR I am quite satisfied. There was no physical harm. There was harm to reputations after this was published. The press is actively looking for these types of stories to beat the DoD and Rumsfeld with and this may actually be a recruiting gain.
I suppose you see no qualitative difference between a Guard/Reservist and Active duty - there is - in training and experience and they way they are equipped and supported by the different branches of service. These MP's were not Active Duty folks.
Is not the point of the UCMJ fairness in in punishment? And equal treatment? The lead JAG for the USAF was doing serial adultery ;things much worse than a single out of hand party; and prevaricating to investigators about it. Bust in rank and Article 15 for someone whose job it was to administer punishment for individuals Air Force wide. I suppose you do not see the difference between O's and E's. I do.
I have not embarassed myself. I would be glad to discuss it anytime and stand by these comments for sure.
ROTFLMAO!!! Good one. What were they saying about dishonoring those who came before?
Actually I'm not calling for the blood of anyone. If you recall from my earlier posts is that my general theme is that AT WORST what the people in question should get is a reprimand from the skipper and a good old fashioned butt chewing, but not ENTIELY excusable either. How is that calling for blood? I've been in that AOR many a time as well as well as several others. Many a SPEC 4 has been busted down to PFC for being stupid and it's not the end of the world.
Spoken like a true gentleman, axes. I do the the differnces between the rank. SInce this case was seen and disciplined long before it became national news, I have to assume that the CO did his job.
You are right that there are differences detween AD and NG/Reserves...but there aren't supposed to be, especially when they are utilized as AD units in theater.
I don't go for "moral equivalency" style arguments when it comes to behavior in uniform. I'm no prude, and God knows I've seen my share of debauchery in the military in my day.........but damn it, not in a war zone, and not while in uniform.
I don't advocate jail time or any such nonsense; never suggested anything that extreme. However, I don't give a damn who you are........once you raise that right hand of yours and take that oath, you assume responsibilities and, like it or not, standards of behavior that you WILL live up to.
I'm a father of seven, all but one in their teens or twenties. I know how young people behave, I know how people under stress behave when allowed to decompress. In the service, I've seen more than my share pass out drunk, either in or out of the arms of a naked woman. Not much I haven't seen, so I don't need to be lectured on human behavior.
No, some bimbo flashing her tits or her thong in front of her fellow GI's is not soldier material. Does that mean she should be flogged or jailed? No. Does it mean that she is not fit to wear the uniform of MY military? Yes.
BTW........save the shots at the Academy. I graduated from there 28 years ago. I won't apologize for what some dipsticks did a few years ago, or even recently.......but I get the Association of Graduates newsletters, and I damned sure know what changes have been implemented to rectify those problems........and every bit as importantly, what we "older" alumni have been VERY vocal about to the current Academy regime in upholding the standards of our school. We clean up our own messes.
The Army is doing the same, and they damned well should.