Sorry but thats not unconstitutional. If it was, it would be unconstitutional for veterans to emigrate...
WIJG: Again, please be specific: what article, section and clause of the United States Constitution prohibits secession? Hmm?
j: None do, as you well know. It is mindboggling that you would assume that our Constitution would encourage secession as a viable option to using the due process of Constitutional law to solve political problems... 'Secessions' only existence is in the minds of those who oppose our Constitutional principles... The people have never authorized any level of government the power to violate our Constitution, nor to secede.
A few points:
Your argument is internally inconsistent. On the one hand, you admit that none of the Constitution's written provisions prohibit secession. On the other hand, you imply that secession would somehow violate our Constitution.
You are also incorrect regarding the option of secession as a solution to political problems. If the federal government had not exceeded its constitutional authority by using military force to prevent the secession of the Southern States, almost three-quarters of a million American lives might have been saved, and the Union would likely have been restored in a peaceful manner. That sounds like a better option to me.
Third, you are wrong when you state that [t]he people have never authorized any level of government... to secede. The people of Texas, Virginia, and Tennessee voted to approve the secession of their States. Furthermore, your statement (The people have never authorized any level of government the power to violate our Constitution) assumes that secession somehow violates the Constitution when you previously acknowledged that none of the Constitutions provisions prohibit secession.
In summary, thanks for your opinion but it doesnt have much of a foundation...