You're saying that my argument fell because of something you assume... Are you aware of what happens when you assume that matter can be created during inflation.
B: I don't know about matter being created during the inflationary epoch, although quarks may have been springing into existence at this point.
I'll let you know this much you're making a "this" out of you and me.
B: From where I stand, its just you.
"Where does the force come from? "
B; What force? The false vacuum? Many, if not most cosmologists think that our universe is but a "brane" within in a higher dimesnional manifold.
Google "M-brane theory"
This is a simple enough answer. The only place a force could from is a force that exists outside the scope of the universe. That force is the god, or in my personal belief "God," that I have been writing of.
B: I see, "I assert, therefore I'm right". Now try and write something that can at least pretend to be a logical argument. I suppose if one wants, they can view God as a collision between "branes". Not strictly orthodox, mind you.
Seriously PP I appreciate your input, but I think you're assuming way to much in your arguments. I assume Laws that are canonically accepted,
B: Like what?
and you begin assuming theories that have yet to be witnessed in action.
B: Ah yes, the old creationist chestnut "seeing is beleiving". One wonders what creationists said about atomic forces before the A-bomb? One doesn't have to witness events. They can be inferred by what remains in the aftermath.
And by the way spontaneous generation of matter from the vacuum is a measureable phenomena. Google "Casimir effect" or "Lamb shift"
I am certain that if at some juncture we find matter being created, that is definitely a possible reason behind it, but as of now we have yet to witness the creation of matter.
B: THe creation of matter can be witnessed by anyone interested in experimental phsysics. Like most creationists, you're at least a few decades behind the times.
Therefore you cannot assume that, as the creation of matter has not even been witnessed once,
B: Its been "witnessed" in every major physics institute since the invention of the cloud chamber. Google "particle pair production", and "witness" the spontaneous creation of an electron-positron pair from a gamma ray.
You are ig-no-rant. It remains to be seen as to whether or not you are inculcatable.