To: Constitution Day; stainlessbanner
2 posted on
11/13/2004 11:13:42 AM PST by
(If the shoe fits, put 'em both on!)
To: annyokie
We both had the same thought at the same time!
To: annyokie
15 posted on
11/13/2004 11:30:56 AM PST by
To: annyokie
It's not bad enough they try to rewrite history - now they want to rewrite novels???????
38 posted on
11/13/2004 12:08:52 PM PST by
(Thank a Veteran today............and every day)
To: annyokie
I thought it offset that other novel, Uncle Tom's Cabin. What, one novel is OK, but the other isn't? Sheesh!
142 posted on
11/15/2004 9:11:27 AM PST by
Smokin' Joe
(I'm from North Dakota and I'm all FOR Global Warming! Bring it ON!)
To: annyokie
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