this piece is only 65 years late
True. It's kind of interesting to speculate what things would have been like then if they'd had the Internet. Would people have accepted things as readily as they did? If people could have seen and commented on things with today's speed and comprehensiveness, perhaps important changes would have come sooner. But in the end such speculation is idle or moot.
By this point in time, Gone With The Wind is just another in a long line of fictional representations stretching from The Birth of a Nation to Roots and beyond, each having their strong points and each wrong in some things, all worthy of some interest, but none a burning issue for today's public.
I think everybody in this thread is missing the point of this subject coming up right now...
It's a slap at the "southern red states". Expect more of the same as the Dems try to rationalize their assumed superiority in all things cultural.