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To: nathanbedford

If, repeat if, this report is true, Bush deserves to lose this election.
We have more guards by far per mile on our borders than any other country.
Even Israel, with as good a military as it gets, and next to no borders compared to us, can't win eavery time.
NO ONE can - even the guard, can police every mile of our borders,north and south.
NO ONE. The fact that we haven't had any attacts since 9/11 is astounding. And we know their goal is terror before the election so that people like you seem to be will not vote for Bush.
I didn't think that would work. That most folk would not capitulate, like Spain, and bow down to the terrorists.
It was Spains cowardly actions that gave them their victory - i/e/ "IT WORKS! NOW LET'S DO IT TO AMERICA!"
So you vote for Kerry - that'll work. He'll have 'em over for brunch and they'll have a sensitive talk.
Question. since Kerry feels terrorism is only a nusisance that we should get used to living with, in the meantime,
just handle it as a law enforcement issue - who THEN is going to watch the borders???

496 posted on 10/13/2004 2:12:58 AM PDT by maine-iac7
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To: maine-iac7

Take a look at my posts 14, 208 and 306 wherein I state:

"I did not say that I would vote for Kerry, I have only observed the truth of the matter, if true, Bush DESERVES to lose.

No, of course Kerry would do a worse job on this and on virtually all issues.

So, I guess we agree. I admit that Kerry would be worse and you agree that the Bush administration has been negligent, or worse, it has played politics with our national security at a time of war, although to a degree that would be exceeded by a Kerry administration.

Look, I am not new to this party, nor am I coming in late on this issue riding this headline. Months and months ago I posted that should a terrorist strike the homeland who had slipped across the border it would jeopardize Bush's election.

If you can justify this administration's record on the southern border as anything other than pandering to the Hispanic vote, no one would be more relieved in spirit than I would. Lets hear it."

If you can find a declaration anywhere in over 2000 thousand posts that I intend to vote for Kerry you are a wizard. But I will continue to make fair comment when Bush has it coming. He is my guy, and I will vote for him, but he ain't perfect and he has failed conservatism on the issue of immigration and the baleful consquences of this failure will be visited upon us as a political movement for a generation even if we are lucky enough to avoid an attack.

521 posted on 10/13/2004 4:17:08 AM PDT by nathanbedford
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