To: AskStPhilomena; Canticle_of_Deborah; Robert Drobot; Pio; pascendi; pro Athanasius; Maeve; ELS
Thank you for posting this! St. John Cantius Parish is well known for the positive role model of an active parish that it is.
But I can't resist commenting on Dan Schutte. What you posted here is of great interest and truth.
Yes, his music is archtypal of the crapola which we are tortured with each Sunday in most churches.
Now what is even more perplexing is not the realization that there are too many gay music directors in parishes; it is that Schutte's music is so beloved among them long before his sexuality became grist for the rumor mill.
This proves two important points:
1) good taste is not the exclusive province of gay people. As a matter of fact, and quick peek in the door of a gay bar, or at the tv program "Queer eye for the Straight Guy", or the Christopher Lowell show tells it all. All too frequently they ain't got no class. And the blatent emotional immaturity doesn't help much either!
2) My oft repeated claim of gay code words which lace the texts of the works of Schutte and his ilk. I would have to conclude that this is a great part of their appeal to all the gay clergy and music directors. Like a dog whistle that they can hear and we can't!
2 posted on
09/23/2004 7:25:05 PM PDT by
(Vatican II is Grand Theft Ecclesiastical)
To: Diago; narses; Loyalist; BlackElk; american colleen; saradippity; Dajjal; Land of the Irish; ...
And kudos to Dr. Kopp, for taking information from The Wanderer to inform Catholics in his diocese, who would, naturally, not be aware of the not-so-hidden agenda of modern liturgical musicians. Polycarp lives!
To: AskStPhilomena
I still say reinstitute tuesday night bingo and weekly singles dances on thursdays, but what do I know?
19 posted on
09/24/2004 12:01:56 AM PDT by
(I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.)
To: AskStPhilomena
But the "Dan Schutte" whose music is sung in thousands of parishes is an ex-Jesuit and he is a partnered gay man.
Is there a link to the original articles, and documentation? This is intriguing but not conclusive.
Having the same address on whois doesn't mean that is your residence.
22 posted on
09/24/2004 3:09:11 AM PDT by
("Freedom consists not in doing what we like, but in having the right to do what we ought." - JP II)
To: AskStPhilomena
And affirmation of this comes from occasional Wanderer contributor, Dr. Brian J. Kopp, a Catholic in the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown, who recently sent FTM some research he has completed on Schutte after he read that Schutte was to be a guest of the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown. Gone but not forgotten! Well done, Brian/Proud2BRC/Polycarp!
To: AskStPhilomena
I was a parishioner at St. John Cantius for three years and I can assert from personal experience that it is an absolutely wonderful parish. It is an enormous church by most standards (probably as large as the official cathedral of the Chicago Archdiocese) and I watched it grow and thrive to overflowing with a schedule of six masses, despite the fact that it probably seats 1200 parishioners.
They offer the Tridentine Rite as well as Polish and Spanish masses. The homilies are always full of bold, unashamed orthodoxy.
32 posted on
09/24/2004 5:51:55 AM PDT by
(God bless our brave soldiers and their Commander in Chief)
To: AskStPhilomena
69. Mike Gale [Dan Schutte's partner]: Pilgrim Music was founded in 2002 by composer Dan Schutte after hearing time and again from folks in the pew how often they were frustrated by not being able to find his music, or that of other well known artists and composers, in the stores. I can't believe anyone wants to buy his music. It is unconscionable to even name his songs in public. "Here I Am, Lord," has started droning through my head just from reading this article. nooooo.
To: AskStPhilomena
For those readers in the Chicago area, or planning a trip through, there is now a special attraction at St. John Cantius, a faithful replica of the famous Wit Stwosz altarpiece of Krakow, Poland. The original altarpiece, built over a 12-year period from 1477 to 1489 by the master carver of Nuremberg, Wit Stwosz, features a five-part polychromed and gilded limewood sculpture depicting the life of the Virgin Mary.
Veit Stoss. His name was Veit Stoss. Not Wit Stwosz.
Damn, the article can't even get a simple detail like his name correct. Its like calling our President, Georg Busch. Its hard to trust anything else said after that sort of error.
To: AskStPhilomena
This is a model parish, one that should be setting the trend for the Church in the United States; it works, it is thriving, it is attracting more and more people to, not only the parish, but the Catholic Church all the time; it is producing priests for the archdiocese (and priests who will, inevitably, be working in more parishes in the archdiocese as the priest shortage intensifies), and it is promoting the Church's greatest possessions: truth and beauty. Very bright news. Fr. Phillips reportedly has more traditional priests than he knows what to do with since they only serve that one parish.
To: AskStPhilomena
The music is from homo-ex-priest Dan Schutte and another guy, John Huels, is the person responsible for altar girls, our new postures and gestures (holding hands during the Our Father, etc.), inclusive language, the placement of tabernacles (Jesus, where are you?) and the roles of Eucharistic ministers. Johnny-boy really digs playing with other guys wieners.
Influential Priest-Canonist is Abuser
107 posted on
09/25/2004 10:21:43 PM PDT by
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