The delusions, deceptions and dishonesties are those of the modernist revolution, not of the SSPX. You yourself are buying into lies, not truth, when you excoriate innocent men who oppose Modernism.
For myself, there's no other choice but to side with the SSPX. Either that, or I would be forced to concede that it makes no sense, that Catholicism itself is false--Trent, the preconciliar popes, all of it. This is because the two versions of Catholicism, Modernism and Tradition, are mutually exclusive. The SSPX sides with Trent and Tradition. Rome stands with the revolution. Rome is either on a false path--or the Catholic religion as it has been taught and practiced for two thousand years is false. If the latter is true, then why bother with any of it?
Your third and much more salutary alternative is to admit that you are wrong, repent as publicly as you have attacked JP II, do any penance required, concede quite publicly that Marcel was wrong, that the schism is indeed a schism and always has been, and return to the Roman Catholic Church, submit to the legitimate authority of the Holy Father and cease your campaign of vilification against him.