I hate smiling, but I know people who go to extreme length to get me to...
'cause I have a "cyuuuute" smile (everything about me is "cyuuuute"... grrr)
I'm dainty enough guys think they'll break me, but I
have two older brothers... so I'm tougher than I look.
Hungry? You mean besides being annoyed she kept
moving the plate, jamming it into the roof of my mouth?
Tough cookie eh? That has been exactly my fear for some of my past love interests. I'm an awefully large specimen even though I'm only 5' 10". My neck is probably bigger around than your waistline (21"). I'm like a really tall dwarf or a very short rock troll.
Those upper plate series are a pain. Having the nozzle of the x-ray machine pointed almost right at your eye is a tad disconcerting as well...