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Love on a Porn Set: One Woman's Story (ABC Expose of Porn Industry)
ABC News ^ | 5/27/04

Posted on 05/28/2004 5:25:59 AM PDT by Aquinasfan

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To: inflation

Perhaps you should go back and read #424 and better yet, the post I was responding to which started this whole conversation.

It appears you have some issues.

441 posted on 05/28/2004 3:06:01 PM PDT by Canticle_of_Deborah
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Comment #442 Removed by Moderator

"Yeah Lan, you misread me, my FRiend."

Believe it or not, I was really hoping that was the case.

>A cult with half the planet's population -- incidentally -- makes one ahellova an army.
"Actually, it's about 20 to 30 million."

Oh, well, now I feel relieved.
A mere 20-30 million, huh.
Very managable.
Thanks. ;^)

"- Approximately 2-3 percent of muslims are believers in the violent parts of Muhammeds teachings, to convert infadels to Islam, or to kill them. Conversion by force. Unfortunately, the majority of muslims who don't really follow these teachings? Won't condemn it either."

Well it's not as if there're no comparisons with Christianity, right?
How many babies does this nation murder & of that number how many of the participants would admit they regularily attend a church whose teachings condemn abortion, outright?
Craziness is a human condition so tread lightly, is all I'm saying.

>Now let's say you & I set out to get real Christians all riled up enough to war against the other half of the world's population, alright? Might not we use images from American's porn industry to do so, while pointing out precisely what our Bible had to say on the subject?"
"Ok, but I can point to where Christians are told by Jesus, to not condemn the sinner. He stopped a mob of Jews from stoning a prostitute: "He who is without sin, cast the first stone" See? He didn't condemn her, He just told her to 'Go, and sin no more.'"

All truly great stuff if adhered to by the letter of the Bible, I wouldn't argue the point.
But is that what actually happens, is that reality, my friend?
Did you read what the Holy Father of the Roman Catholic Church had to say about America?
HERE, read him for yourself.

I happen to think this pope John Paul's an extremely wise old man FBD, believe he's spot-on; &, when the subject's pornography?
It makes what he has to say a virtual slam-dunk, in my book.

"I'm not asking you to believe what I believe here;but there are four differant accounts, by four differant witnesses of Jesus life. (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John), and in not one instance will you find him advocating violence against anyone."

And I'm -- more than -- concerned you'd think I said, otherwise.
The teachings of Jesus are more & more often not the behaviors of those who claim to follow his teachings.
My god man, one can see evidence of this everywhere one looks.
Does that mean Jesus is "worse" the the teachings of Mohammed, no.
I'm not even remotely trying to compare the two, either.

>Yea-yea, I read & see their deeds here all day long, my friend. Such a Godly, compassionate bunch. Witnessed some "devout" Muslims on 9-11, also. So many Godly humans eveywhere one looks, y'know.
"Yes, and Christians as a whole, condemn these deeds."

That's not only baloney, it's naive.

"Sure, there are hypocrits. But I haven't seen Christians as a majority, or even as a minority, go to church, and as part of their religious duty go out and announce 'war on the infidel'."

Not yet, anyway.
But wait, there's still plenty of time; and, in the end the Christian world might find they have no choice but to go to war against the Islamic world.
It might just come down to a matter of survival, & if I'm right?
I simply can't wait to hear what'll be used to justify the required behavior(s), that'll be lifeted right out of the Bible, verbatim.
Just you watch & see.

"Are there exceptions? Sure. The abortion clinic bombers come to mind. Koresh's Branch Davidian cult..."

Y'know, that's a sensitive one for me.
I never was convinced Koresh was anything *but* a zealot -- & one whose lifestyle & that of his followers was *guarenteed* by our constitution, BTW -- who found himself in the most unenviable position of having to go against the most wicked, evil forces ever imaginable, consequently, he became made an "example."
No more, no less.

>Why do you suppose Khomenie called the United States "The Great Satan"?"
"Because *WE* (read the collective U.S.) believe in equality of all people."

Well that'd certainly wrap it all up in a neat, tight, tidy little package, wouldn't it.

"We believe all men and women are created equal, and that we are endowed inalieble rights by our *creator*."

Except ( fill in the blank ) which is a bit like playing a hand of Fisbin, isn't it.

"Here is the hierarchy of human worth in Islam:
At the summit, are Free male Muslims.
Next come Muslim male slaves
Then come free Muslim women
Next come Muslim slave women.
Then come free Jewish and /or Christian men
Then come slave Jewish and/or Christian men
Then come slave Jewish and/or Christian women.
Non-Muslims are never treated as equals. (There is even a hierarchy for animals and plants. Seven animals and seven plants will go to heaven, while seven others of each will end up in Hell.)"

*Excellent*, you've really done your homework & I thank you for the time you've taken explaining everything in explicit detail.

Tell me, know anything about the ancient Spartans?

"So, Lan...Do you see why the Islamo-facsists REALLY hate us? It's because we contradict their *order* of things...and *that* is a good thing."

We are *different* than them. >doink!<
Remember the lyric, "How is it one thought live, provide the others die."?
That's precisely -- & simply -- what we're talking about, here.

"This truly is a battle of 'Us vs Them.'"

That it is.

"Down & out.
It can't be helped but there's a lot of it about.
And who'll deny it's what the fighting's all about."


...have a wonderful, relaxing & safe holiday my friend.

443 posted on 05/28/2004 3:10:48 PM PDT by Landru (Indulgences: 2 for a buck.)
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To: alexandria
That was my favorite part!

The accusatory tone she took while denouncing Rupert Murdoch was priceless!

( Sawyer: in ominous undertones)

And even , right-wing Aussies have bought into the massive flesh industry...

Murdoch is a capitalist, first and foremost. I hate to clue Dianna in on this, but those tabloids with lots of topless models plastered across their pages, (ahem. Page 3), are owned and operated by Rupert Murdoch.

And I loved the way she pounced on the tenuous connection between the production and distribution ends of this market; as if Brit Hume were shooting Taboo Part 14 on the FoxNews parking lot.

Give Dianne Sawyer a break!

That's all I have to say!

444 posted on 05/28/2004 3:11:08 PM PDT by The Scourge of Yazid ("I boned Kirstie Alley's maid! And this was while they were making 'Look Who's Talking'.")
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To: Aquinasfan
In reality, there is no legitimate age of consent for intrinsic evils like pornography and abortion. Intrinsic evils should be criminalized. The only subject for debate are the penalties that should be applied.

In the real world, a government with the power to criminalize porn as "intrinsicly evil" also has to power to punish "criticism of homosexuality" or "racially offiensive speech" or "general politically-incorrect attitudes" as being "intrinsicly evil".

Be careful what powers you choose to give government, particularly at a time when those who oppose your value system are the ones with the political power

445 posted on 05/28/2004 3:12:31 PM PDT by SauronOfMordor (That which does not kill me had better be able to run away damn fast.)
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you are making sense.

446 posted on 05/28/2004 3:13:33 PM PDT by Robert_Paulson2 (better get that pocket prayer rug and compass ready.)
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To: Modernman
Ouch! Your witty ripost sure showed me who's boss.

Ain't much jelly in his PBJ.

447 posted on 05/28/2004 3:14:50 PM PDT by O.C. - Old Cracker (When the cracker gets old, you wind up with Old Cracker. - O.C.)
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To: Nov3; King Prout

KP you're cute.

448 posted on 05/28/2004 3:15:39 PM PDT by cyborg
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To: inflation
"I enjoy porn. Does that make me a bad person and if so, why?"


First recognize that God designed sex. He designed man to find women attractive, He designed women to be drop dead georgeous. He designed both the man and the woman to be sexually aroused and He designed them to find great pleasure in that. In God's plan, that attractiveness leads to marriage and the formation of families and sex becomes a wonderful intimate act between the married couple. That act, in my opinion, builds and strenthens the marriage relationship. And the relationship makes the act that much more wonderful. So see that there is nothing inherently evil in sexual desire or finding pleasure in being aroused.

Where it becomes wrong, is when it deviates from God's plan. The Bible clearly condemns adultery, fornication, homosexuality and beastiality. And I can provide references for those if you need them. So to the extent that porn increases the desire for any of those, then it's bad. And just the desire in your heart for any of those is clearly a sin as Jesus pointed out in the Sermon on the Mount.

Matthew 5:28 - But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

I don't think the above forbids lusting being attracted to or desiring a woman with a mind towards being married to her. But clearly Porn for a married man would be a problem.

There are also verses that deal with coveteousness. One of the commandments is not to covet your neighbor's wife. With porn, it might be hard to know who's married and who's not, but my guess is this hits a lot of porn directly.

Romans 1:26-31 hits not only a variety of sexual perversions but also condemns those who take pleasure in those who do them.

Romans 1:26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: 27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. 28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; 29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, 30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: 32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

In addition to this, if you are paying for porn, then you are supporting financially not only the outcomes that this article reported but the harms I listed in post 262.

So is lusting after porn a sin? In most cases, Porn is of the nature, that I'd have to say definitely. I'm not sure if there are any cases where it's not.

Does that make you a bad person? Well, relative to other people, maybe not. But it doesn't matter relative to other people. It only matters relative to God who is perfect and who knows no sin.

Relative to God, yes, you are a bad person. So am I. So is every human who ever walked the face of the earth, except Jesus. Which is why we all need Jesus to be our Savior.

Should you give it up. Yes. Ultimately, it's a poor substitute for what God had in mind. And you would be a happier and better person if you gave it up.

That's my opinion. If I missed anything, I'm sure someone will let me know.

449 posted on 05/28/2004 3:21:34 PM PDT by DannyTN
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To: Long Cut; Bozo; AppyPappy
Ping. This really needs to be on the RPR list. We got people here calling for executing porn producers, religious conservatives actually DEFENDING taxes, and others seem to think their moral views are the ONLY correct ones in the world.
It's hilarious to watch those who tie themselves in knots over something as simple as sex go crazy now and then.

Some of these clowns are even claiming they've seen their ~opponents~ riding with them on the short bus.

450 posted on 05/28/2004 3:33:44 PM PDT by tpaine ("The line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being." -- Solzhenitsyn)
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To: tpaine

Libertarian hymn

On porn the solid rock I stand
All other speech is sinking sand

451 posted on 05/28/2004 3:36:06 PM PDT by AppyPappy (If You're Not A Part Of The Solution, There's Good Money To Be Made In Prolonging The Problem.)
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To: FBD; Landru; Aquinasfan
FBD, if you have a ping list, I want on it . . .

Landru my good friend, all I can do is promise to gently let my daughter know this career path is not a viable option, and eviscerate with my bare hands anyone who would dare to violate her in any way . . .

AquniasFan, I must not understand your reason for posting this, because all I can discern from this are negatives; discord sown comes to the top of the list.
452 posted on 05/28/2004 3:43:56 PM PDT by BraveMan
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To: tpaine
It seems that any enjoyment that a person takes in their personal pursuit of happiness is under fire from someone out there.

Why, oh why, are there so many people who want to outlaw fun?

And what part of "Not everyone is a member of YOUR religion, and not everybody lives like YOU" do they not understand?

Also, why do they not understand that the concept of personal Liberty carries with it the fact that SOME will not live according to another's beliefs?

453 posted on 05/28/2004 3:46:03 PM PDT by Long Cut ("Fightin's commenced, Ike, now get to fightin' or get outta the way!"...Wyatt Earp, in Tombstone)
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To: Skywalk; inflation

Religious fanatics of every stripe seem to have serious issues with both sex AND women.

454 posted on 05/28/2004 3:48:21 PM PDT by Long Cut ("Fightin's commenced, Ike, now get to fightin' or get outta the way!"...Wyatt Earp, in Tombstone)
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To: SauronOfMordor

Both the extreme Right and extreme Left have little tolerance for individual Liberty which does not turn out to their preference. Both would happily use the hammer of government to beat everyone into their own preferred shape.

455 posted on 05/28/2004 3:51:25 PM PDT by Long Cut ("Fightin's commenced, Ike, now get to fightin' or get outta the way!"...Wyatt Earp, in Tombstone)
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To: garbanzo
Secondly, I guess you're part of the reason PrimeTime Live does an "expose" of the porn industry, convienently scheduled during May sweeps. I should do an "expose" of network sweeps programming decisions - it turns out its not based on quality of programming but cheap stunts to attract viewers.

This is especially the case here since this is basically a repeat of an "expose" they played last year.

456 posted on 05/28/2004 3:55:35 PM PDT by 13foxtrot
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To: cyborg

Now your home page is pretty good.

457 posted on 05/28/2004 3:57:23 PM PDT by Nov3
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To: Nov3

thanks...adding new stuff every now and again. This time I tried to be more open to those in the *ahem* alternative lifestyle :)

458 posted on 05/28/2004 3:59:15 PM PDT by cyborg
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To: Long Cut; tpaine
We got people here ..., religious conservatives actually DEFENDING taxes,

Well understand that I'm defending taxes in the context of those who call all taxes theft.

459 posted on 05/28/2004 4:03:38 PM PDT by DannyTN
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To: AppyPappy
Libertarian hymn

On porn the solid rock I stand
All other speech is sinking sand

sAppy's communitarian mantra

Rock solid we stand
Porn is banned by command

460 posted on 05/28/2004 4:10:49 PM PDT by tpaine ("The line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being." -- Solzhenitsyn)
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