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To: CourtneyLeigh
Would YOU want to live in a slum ?

Now I KNOW that you're lying! Afrikaners are proud to be Afrikaners and not ALL Afrikaners are from Dutch stock. Many are of French and German heritage.Most Afrikaners are all a mix,from intermarriages, with the early settlers, who were NOT all Dutch...not even the majority of them were.

A few Afrikaners, who immigrate here, don't admit to being Afrikaners, but NONE would call themselves " a Dutchman from SA" !

159 posted on 02/09/2004 6:44:35 PM PST by nopardons
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To: nopardons
A few Afrikaners, who immigrate here, don't admit to being Afrikaners, but NONE would call themselves " a Dutchman from SA" !

Do I have to remember ver batum my conversation with 4 other employees, learning about this man, and his heritage, and lifestyle in SA?
Yes it's only one man, yes it was only a few missionaries. Last time I checked that's how most people learn what they know is from A) reading, B) Experience, C)Hearsay.

He did say he is from a dutch blood, making him in some English terminology a Dutchman. Just like there are Irishmen, Scottish, German, and Englishmen. It's a word describing a person from a certain culture/country. No he didn't call himself a dutch man, he said he was dutch, and that he was born and raised in South Africa. That his great great grandfather was the first to live there.

What slum are you talking about? If you took the time to read my posts, and other posts in this thread, you'll see I've already admitted to being misinformed. However, I'll not be called a lier.

For what reason would I lie to these good people? For you to push a "skinhead" motive on me would mean you'd have to know me, and that's pushing the line, Freeper!

BTW= I do have sympathy for the Native American. My family is related to Cherokee, although not significant bloodline, but we are related. And I've done a little tiny bit of research, and discovered the way the Cherokee Nation lost it's land, how it was diminished, and taken from them. Many Cherokees were proud Americans, and did serve in some battles, and as chief politics representing their tribes in some ways. (I stopped my research at that point).

Either way, Nopardons, you're insensitive, jumpy, and rude. I don't give orders online, nor will I take them. If I ever see you commanding me to "Shut Up", or falsely, loosely accusing me again of lying, I'll report you as a possible "troll" (which you hinted around to me being in a later post).


331 posted on 02/10/2004 4:58:24 AM PST by CourtneyLeigh (Why can't all of America be Commonwealth?)
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