To: cyborg
You put your finger on it. Liberals scream about some problem they decide exists, and then do nothing sensible about really fixing it. They care only about the perception or feeling good themselves...not reality or consequences that result when they tear down a particular society. Not very articulate...sorry, and I find myself thinking about what 'is' is. A Clinton attack! The essence of liberalism. Remember when he went to Rwanda and kept airforce one's engines running? Said he was sorry, didn't have a clue they'd suffered genocide. Seems nobody had mentioned it. What a shame. Half a million dead. Who knew. He really is a sociopath.
158 posted on
02/09/2004 6:43:35 PM PST by
To: hershey
I can't wait for his book to come out. What an embarassment. I wish Ron Reagan was president. He had such a sane approach to South Africa and Rhodesia. He said that rapid dismantling of the old government in SA would destroy the black population. That's in a new book with all his letters. In fact, reading that chapter alone made me buy the book.
163 posted on
02/09/2004 6:48:59 PM PST by
To: hershey
Liberals scream about some problem they decide exists, and then do nothing sensible about really fixing it. They care only about the perception or feeling good themselves...not reality or consequences that result when they tear down a particular society.
You've put your finger on a major Liberal characteristic: a penchant for politically correct moral grandstanding as a substitute for personal integrity. Another one is that Liberal "solutions" actually tend to create more problems which necessitate further Liberal (read government) solutions. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson