Nope, no children - and it's true that I have very little optimism.
And yet, optimism without basis seems more delusional than realistic. Truth be told, I see a variety of reasons for pessimism. We have affirmative action, of course - which means that in many areas I'm a second class (or worse) citizen because I'm white. (Why bother to capitalize it? For all I know, it would be perceived as racist to do so.) Hate crime laws are generally used to prosecute whites. Whites can be accused of racism, others cannot.
Would you like to set up a scholarship at your local college, designed solely for "minorities"? That's perfectly fine. Would we be permitted to set one up for "whites only"? The accusations of racism would resonate from sea to shining sea.
We have massive illegal immigration from points south and our Government does...nothing. Our jobs are going to the third world and our Government does...again...nothing.
We have a record deficit and we do what? Why, we send fifteen billion dollars to Africa to help them deal with AIDS - a disease easily avoided by mere abstinence!
If you've a reason for optimism, please share it! As nearly as I can tell, whitey will follow the Cheyenne and the Arapaho into the sunset of racial and cultural oblivion...though I doubt we'll get a reservation to live on.