The re-legalization of drugs will happen right after pornography, obscenity, blasphemy, abortion, fornication, adultery, homosexuality, promiscuity, and perversion are re-banned.
The re-legalization of drugs will happen right after pornography, obscenity, blasphemy, abortion, fornication, adultery, homosexuality, promiscuity, and perversion are re-banned.
If world governments worked together on illegal drugs and aids as they are with Mad Cow, then illegal drugs and aids would not be a topic these days.
Having said that, illegal drugs are a great source for untraceable/nontaxable cash.
My guess is the illegal drug business is controlled by a hidden global cartel with the drug war as a media side show for the public, good for employment and a profit center business.
Case in point 1: Bumper year for Afghan poppies!
Afghanistan poppies with the greatest
military in the world running
the show there! Duh!!!
So let's take a look how many people will be out of work if all above was illegal.
Since 1962, politicians/lawyers have adjusted our laws creating a vast gray area between good and evil.
I find it amazing that it took America 4 years to defeat the evils of WW2. However, in 35 years of the drug war, America and its allies can't defeat the evils do'ers who control the creation and distibution of illegal drugs.