Posted on 01/31/2021 6:43:00 PM PST by Trump20162020
Ooooh I find it so difficult to restrain my natural vocabulary in response to people like this supposed “author”. The bottom line is this... people like this witch are not content to live their lives and let you live yours. They are bent on domination, to control you. This witch uses the excuse of slavery in an attempt to commit it! She disguises herself as a victim in an effort to become a savage evil.
“our very democracy” Their ain’t any “our” you witch! There is yours, and there is mine, and the two are in no way the same anymore. “democracy”? That relies on a vote, NOT a sham disguised as a vote!
“Spray and pray.”
Yeah, the “A Team” never did hit anyone.
One dumbass shows up at the Capitol with a confederate battle flag and all gun owners are automatically racists. When you purchase a firearm, do they still ask for your race?
dana perino from fox news ilk, and gw bush ilk patted herself on the back and told herself what a “good person” she is and then bragged on fox news about donating her time to serve on a hospital ship that goes down the coast of africa giving free healthcare to africans. I applaud such noble gestures. However, I have a major “bone to pick” with her and her kind. I want her, and her kind, to provide a sensible explanation for why those in africa are not building hospital ships to come here and provide us with free healthcare.
Poor impulse control and low IQ are a deadly mix.
Take one long look at the history of the Kansas City School District AND it’s present state. That will tell you all you need to know.
There’s pics and vids all over social media showing BLM/ANQUEEFA types openly brandishing “assault rifles” yet no concerns from the Karens at Moms Demand Action or the little shyts from March For Our Lives. Hell, they support them.
“What don’t black women know?”
Firearms founded this country and FREED the negroes.
The stopped the Holocaust as well.
Ignorant beeeatches don’t know history and Truth.
The = they.
It’s a good thing blacks don’t ever use guns or murder anyone.
I saw her picture. You can take care of that. I have no interest.
Currently, the most fanatically anti-white segment of the population are black women.
The washington compost is the information warfare wing of the democrat party’s army, folks. They are the enemy.
Another article from the paper that is used to wrap kitty litter up. I wouldn’t use it to wrap fish in.. 🤓
What’s your plan for a Hellfire fired from several miles away? I bet you don’t have one, and that’s what you’ll be facing.
I bet they all prefer to make their sandwiches with white Wonderbread, too....
Don’t know you from Adam so who knows if you are a white supremacist or not. But damn, you sure have a big keyboard....
It’s due to something called Interracial Whiteness. And yes, that’s actually been brought up over here in the States.
I never thought I would be saying this, but you’re best off staying in Oz for now.
OK, you’re best off staying in Israel for now (your home page).
Idiots carrying around a confederate flag at Trump rallies and at in this case the riots at the capitol, do not represent me. Many black people have been hung by the Klan with that flag flying in the breeze.
I never went to a pro-Trump gathering because of people like this.
If the GOP were wise they would run these people off. We don’t need them, they are a liability.
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