If the media will report it this woman will never be elected president. It's criminal on their part not to report the health problems of someone running for president. But such is life in the United Socialist Republican of Obama.
“”A law enforcement officer close to the source has come forward anonymously to speak about the situation. The officer indicated that Hillary Clinton was missing from the stage because of health issues from a previous brain injury.””
This sounds nuts. The source would have to be someone inside the campaign as no one not in on the secret would suspect that she was missing from the stage for other than a potty break..”she was missing because she had a previous brain injury”. Yeah - the first thing that would be on anyone’s mind.
THIS is how low the MSM and The Hag's Dem Campaign are willing to go; Playing the Sympathy Card and bamboozling the electorate into considering her supposed "post-concussion syndrome" as THE culprit for her chronic lying, theft, nastiness, law-breaking, and Hitlerian screeching like a banshee?
But what about her demon-possession or imbibing alcohol like WC Fields? Could THAT have anything to do with her tipsiness, slurring, stumbling, falling, etc? Do we blame that on her sporting the worst case of menopausal b*tchiness seen since 5 million B.C.??
Phew!! Glad we can sweep all that under the rug in time for the election. Now let's all kneel and pray to Baal for her election as the female Josef Stalin!