Trump has only started to seek donations. He’ll get them, lots of them.
an atheistic cubs fan...already two strikes in my book.
we are seeing a shift not just in the nation but in the political parties as well.
old establishment types like George Will are seeing their influence fade, and they’re fighting back.
younger GOP officials (Paul Ryan, Mia Love, and Marco Rubio come to mind) are trying to maintain a balance of between the “Beltway” and the grass roots.
and then there are the grass roots and their heroes. The grass roots are sick and tired of the status quo. The grass roots don’t have to like young guns necessarily, but do in some ways: Rand Paul isn’t GOP-e. But he has a message. The grass also likes Trump because he speaks his mind. Newt, too. And Sarah Palin to a degree.
the big big big money isn’t with the grass roots. Yet. (and I mean most of the big big big money. Some, of course, still shows up).
The problem George Will’s side has is that they think it is still all about filthy lucre. Except Trump has proven that it isn’t....he has spent less than any nominee in GOP modernity and has gotten more votes.
Trump has spent less money per vote than any other candidate.
Donald Trump is rich because he works smart AND hard...and knows how to get the best bang for his buck.
And by the way: he hasn’t been paid from my tax dollars either, unlike Hitlery.
Nad gets paid by people clicking their links. Quit posting and clicking and let those turds go under.
Where do we go to dump this jackass George Will. These people are disgusting. What an idiot.
I turn on Michael Medved occasionally knowing I will be infuriated. He was supportive of Trump’s speech today, but now he wants Trump to offer the Vice Presidency to Paul Ryan by this weekend.
These jerks are insufferable.
I realized that Will was an idiot over 30 years ago when he wrote about how the movie ET would make kids hate scientists.
Theres an old adage about a vat of wine standing next to a vat of sewage. Add a cup of wine to the sewage, and it is still sewage. But add a cup of sewage to the wine, and it is
Any so called republican who would refuse to support the
nominee is no different than a democrat.
These evil people put their self interests before the nation.
Traitors all of them!
The words coming off the web page were like a stream of projectile vomit and just as intelligent. Admit it G. Will; you have been a closet liberal/progressive/socialist this whole time while you were undercover pretending to be a conservative.
So this is how Will is ending his career. In a flailing display of bitter nonsense.
George has officially come out of the closet as a Hillary lover.
Hey George. GFYS