Cruz's calls for roll call votes are seen as mere tricks to get his colleagues on the record for anything with which he disagrees" (thus forcing his colleagues to tell the truth and do what the people who voted for them want them to do-rather than lying and breaking promises behind closed doors- This is otherwise known as "Doing his job" representing the people.)
"Arguing that results are rigged in the Senate and that Conservatives no longer have influence anymore" (Speaks for itself)
Ted Cruz knows how to deal with the treasonous Senate.
But IMO- Donald Trump will be completely overwhelmed by the den of vipers in Congress.
He (Trump) doesn't have a clue how things work there.
For those who see Trump as "Crushing the Gope"- they (Gope) will ultimately end up controlling him through his lack of knowledge and inevitable errors that will occur, and because of his lack of knowledge of how government works.
His ego will not let him acknowledge any errors so he will go along with the GOPe to cover them up.
Evidence that this will happen if Trump is POTUS is shown in his handling of his delegate problem.
Trump messed up. His good brain should have told him to hire the right people in the first place - Long before now.
But all he does is blame others for his mistakes. Not a good quality in a POTUS.
“He has a messianic view of his self importance”
Pretty much sums it up. And goes a long way toward explaining why Cruz with the second largest delegate count is not cutting a deal for VP or Scalia’s chair in the high court. He is burning all his bridges and will soon be back in his senate seat wondering what happened. I would further speculate that his wife Heidi is incapable of getting him to listen to reason.