Re: Zimmerman Must Die FB pages , and there are several . From FB :
” You reported George zimmerman must die for containing credible threat of violence “
” This page has not been removed . “
It seems there are a few of them set up with this by this Facebook name.
I will watch for a couple days and if FaceBook does not remove them I will be ending my Facebook account.
I’ve been thinking about it anyhow. This is certainly worthy of a final straw in making my decision.
Facebook is corrupt and dishonest. They have been suppressing non-violent, non-racist dissent against Obama and Socialism in recent weeks.
They either need to stay out of the censorship business altogether or else list the criteria by which such decisions are made for public review.
If something violent does happen to Mr. Zimmerman, his family should seek financial damages from that social media site for contributing to a culture of hostility.