Posted on 12/16/2012 5:51:43 PM PST by SoFloFreeper
The cold way that he delivered the speech was chilling and then the applause at the end. First time I have ever heard applause at a wake or funeral. So inappropriate.
The jackass must bray just as the sun must rise.
I switched to a movie until the speech was over. Even watching him with the sound off makes me feel intensely nauseated.
I had switched to the NBC Sports derivative to get away from the Liar-in-Chief.
I'll ask the Propaganda Networks to get back to me when we have a presidential address on the thousands that are murdered daily in abortion, which Barry supports and promotes.
I'm not kiddding.
It was applause and not slight but loud applause and just after he had finished reading the names of the deceased children and there was still wimpering coming from different places in the auditorium. It was incomprehensible.
What was the crowd thinking ---- where did they think they were???
An Obama campaign rally?
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