You must recognize the following, becuase it would resolve much of the quandry you feel we're all in.
We live in a Constitutional, representative republic. It's not a democracy, and we won't agree with every vote that our representative makes. We generally want to know their positions before we vote for them because we don't want big surprises, but we generally know what we're getting.
We are supposed to have checks and balances. It is NOT supposed to be easy for laws to pass; legislative efficiency is not what this country is about. This is by design, and is supposed to give us more stability as a country, and more freedoms as a people.
What is it that you're trying to achieve? A Democratic candidate more aligned with you? A third-party candidate more aligned with your views?
Dr. Paul, if you just take your medication, you will feel much better.
We’re far beyond having polite rational conversations with the left. You’re parasites on the nation and we are the cure. Go back to DU you effing parasite.
Lead the way. Socialists could keep the Democratic Party, and all the militant groups that define it, while less radical socialists could form a progressive left party, each with its own candidates and platforms. Since there is already little difference from the Communist Party platform and the Democratic Party platform, the commies could continue doing what they always do, vote Democrat. The latter might be interested in enlisting Romney, and we have some media mutts you can have with him. The thrust could be progressive tax reform, redistribution of wealth and centralized control of the economy and banking. ...There is certainly a crossover aspect to this that could help both of us. Sounds good, but it is probably too late to get into this cycle.
A 4 party system probably should be incubated at the state level. A state could reserve a portion of state seats for the top 4 vote getting parties, say each getting 10 seats for a total of 40, which would naturally attract 4 main parties. The portion could be expanded over time leading to a split up of the current Coke vs. Pepsi duopoly we have now. Most democracies have more than 2 viable parties, because having just 2 stinks. Political interests aren't that simple.
1st - Take all of the money away from Liberals and Conservatives.
....ok, now that we’ve established the imposibility of the task....
After the Romney haters have succeeded in helping Obama on his path to destroy America, some future generation would have to find the motivation and the means to reconstitute such a great nation.
No conservative wants an Evangelical party. That is entirely unconstitutional. IBTZ!
Thank you for joining, AND for posting a thread right away.
Words of advice here at FR: Follow Jim Robinson’s rules, develop a thick skin quickly, (some of us are still trying to pass Manners 101), and enjoy FR!
Now down to business, you say/write/type “I just want the Senate and House of Representatives to actually REPRESENT the views Americans have.” which is EXACTLY what we here at FR having been trying to do since the inception of FR!
Congress is still a work in progress, I think - - - .
So, kick back, take a deep breath and prepare yourself for this one: WE ARE ALL AMERICANS.
Yep, shocking, but true. Dictator Baby-Doc Barack, ( I have many other names for him, but I thought that I would start with a tribute to a former Dictator of Haiti first), has spent a lot of his energy trying to divide and conquer us.
The Liberal Agenda Media, LAM for short, calls it “class warfare,” but since America does not have Classes of people like Merry Ol’ England does, the LAM spins itself into High Poo-Bah Obama’s well-painted Pinko corner.
Okay! You have joined us, by your own admission have at least one goal in common with us, and hopefully we, as Americans, can work on problems together that we agree that we have in common.
You mentioned “Gerrymandering,” which I agree is a problem that ANYBODY who is not a politician could easily solve.
The second part of your plan/solution “- - - -Replace First Past the Post with some sort of preferential system - - - “ is not at all specific enough to be, (in the infamous words of a former foreign student at Harvard, and now Illegal White House Occupier, Barack “You Lie” Obama), TRANSPARENT.
Please clarify, si vous plait.
BTW, reply often on our various threads, as you are about to have the most fun that is legally allowed in politics!
So you admit that you are a leftist, constitution busting treasonous azz, and then offer us a solution to our problem of the Republican party melding with the Democrat Party to work against the constitution. You suggest that we join your “progressive” (Marxist) pals in an independent party as a solution to our problem of the GOP joining the Marxists of the Democrat party?
You are “sure” we want a libertarian or evangelical party?
The libertarians already have an independent party and I am sure they will join you in your “progressive” efforts. You will find many of them at Occupy Wall Street. They have no clue when they are pushing forward your “progressive” agenda of socialism. Just wag gay marriage and State mandated atheism in front of them and they will putting in your slimey hands.
You are the party of slavery. Then and now.
The problem is that there are two types of people: Those that want to take from others, and those that don't want to be robbed, even under the color of law. Until we resolve that stealing from one person and giving it to another just because they need it is immoral and/or illegal, then the two sides will remain in opposition. There is no compromise on this position.
Also, you want this to happen so that your progressive wing would have a better chance to run the country. Thank you, but no, we have already had enough.
You still kickin’ son! Say sumpin’ I say, say sumpin boy! Whats it all about boy, elucidate! Thats a joke, I say thats a joke son. If you gonna play mum, I say go away boy, you bother me you creepin’ me out. I made a funny son and youre not laughin. Yer, I say, yer about as sharp as a bowling ball son. I keep pitchin em and you keep missin em. Yer as timid as a canary at a cat show. Nice mannered kid, just a little on the dumb side, about as sharp as a pound of wet liver, I say, as a sack of wet mice. I say, boy, pay attention when Im talkin to ya, boy. Pay attention, boy, Im cuttin but you aint bleedin! Are you so dumb you think a Mexican border pays rent? Hmmm, bare, I say bare as a cooch dancers midriff. If you wants to sing the blues you gots to pay yer dues!
Ah gives, ah say, dang—ah gives up. We can’t bury you boy if you ain’t dead. But you just lyin’ there. Speak up, ah say, jus’ say sumpin’ you don’ have to scintillate us, can’t leave us hangin’ like this .....
Foghorn goes on for another several minutes pleading)
“However, if I were to do so in the current political environment I would be throwing my vote away and by not voting for the Democrat I’m helping the Republican candidate inch closer to a plurality”
The difference between cancelling out one Republican vote and “throwing away” your vote on somone who has no chance to win is only one vote. Since no important election I’m aware of has ever been decided by a single vote, who cares? Go ahead and throw your vote away. Everything you’ve heard your whole life about how it’s your duty to vote and every vote counting is propaganda intended to influence masses of votes. You, as an individual, are neither here nor there. You don’t matter any more than, as I’ve said, to cancel out one other person.
IB4TZ. Made it!