Posted on 08/04/2010 2:07:38 PM PDT by se_ohio_young_conservative
That’s NOT what i stated in my post. Try reading it again - SLOWLY - and perhaps your limited intellect will comprehend my comment that i continue to stand by.
Sheesh, what a maroon!
Very good question the needs to be answered. Why is she a better and more qualified choice than:
Michelle Bachmann
Jeff Sessions
Chris Christie
Bobby Jindal
Haley Barbour
Eric Cantor
Duncan Hunter
Duncan D Hunter
Tom Tancredo
Newt Gingrich
John Boehner
Mike Pence
David Patreaus
Fred Thompson
Bob McConnell
Richard Shelby
Jim DeMint
John Thune
Orrin Hatch
Mitch McConnell
Byron Dorgan
Aaron Schock
Sam Brownback
Tom McClintock
Mark Levin
Ann Coulter
Sean Hannity
Alvin Greene
Zombie Reagan
SpongeBob Squarepants
And before he says none of these is running yet, neither is Sarah.
Can you add me to the ping list ?
You are a troll nutcase. This sentence is ridiculous.
Do you remember TLBSHOW? This youngster reminds me of him to a large degree but Show could at least cut and paste info in support of his positions.
What in the world is wrong with you ?
Do you have any idea how much she has been attacked ? I am still ticked off about the attacks in 2008. What upsets me the most is that the McCain campaign never fired back. But then even after that, REPUBLICANS never united around her and fired back. That was a mistake.
She didn’t deserve all of that !
“Honest truly, why do you continue to post flame bait vanities supposedly in support of Sarah Palin?
As a holder of the Sarah Palin ping list here, I wish you’d stop with this nonsense. Everyone here is free to make their own decisions about her and to hold their own opinions and with few exceptions, none are set in cement!”
I agree wholeheartedly.
No one would post two threads a year about her if she looked like Madeline Albright.
Where does its funding come from? Who picks up the bills if loans aren't repaid? Does anyone know for sure? It doesn't sound like there is a lot of transparency here.
It claims to only loan money to corporations who promise to utilize American goods and services. That could be a temporary boon to the economy. Do the benefits of this cover the cost of defaulted loans?
Do you have any attibution when you say the money is borrowed at 0%. It's not that I don't believe you...I just want to be armed with all of the facts when I bring up this issue in discussion.
I’m starting to think he is. No one can be this monomaniacal and obsessive about one person and still be sane.
It's so sneaky that none of us can figure out what the OP is up to. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL....oh well, I wasn't doing much today.
If you people want to play nice and stay quiet when certain people on our side are attacking Sarah Palin, that is your choice.
I am just trying to right a wrong.
Bwahahahahha! Now that's funny, right there!
To: onyx
Can you add me to the ping list ?
124 posted on Thursday, 5 August 2010 8:13:37 AM by se_ohio_young_conservative
R O T F L M A O !!
Post of the year!!
Or Basil Marceaux
No. I am saying a conservative across the board. Sarah would have to ditch McCain for me to consider her, although she is okay apart from him. He is a definite deal breaker for me.
Chris Christie looks okay, but it is still very early
How about Joe Arpaio? He is pretty old, and he has ben guilty of some legitimate political shennanigans in his sheriff races - but nothing I cant live with there.
Duncan Hunter still looks acceptable.
That last one was half in jest. Marceax seems legit. Is he?
You have my phone number.
I would like to talk to you and clear up your personally insulting accusations and misunderstandings.
LOL! This is just plain silly.
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