Vietnamese city girls are almost all smooth unblemished of face . Most are not so slim now as they were before about 15 years ago. As the country prospers they eat more protein and put on weight. The wraith s in áo dài don’t look so ethereal now but they are still beautiful but, of course I have a bias there. Viêt Kiều in America and, I assume in the western world generally tend to be shaped like women in the host country now. A few are quite pillowy.
Back in ̣93 I went to the funeral of a 113 y.o. woman who was perhaps 4’7” and still had black teeth and long long hair wrapped in a cloth tube and wound about her head like a turban. She was probably shrunk up a bit with age but she was not bent over at all. I was told she was the woman the grandmothers called Grandmother.
(The 80+ year old Korean ladies I have seen at several Catholic Churches look it and are about 3 1/2 feet tall.)
After I retired from the Navy and doing some aircraft contract work in Kunsan I saw some very short Korean gals.
My Vietnamese wife is 5’7”