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CHAOS IN FRANCE: Leftists and Radical Jihadists Parade in Street Calling for Open Borders and Attacking Police Following Shock Election Victory
Gateway Pundit ^
| JULY 8, 2024
| Jordan Conradson
Posted on 07/08/2024 7:58:57 AM PDT by Red Badger
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To: Red Badger
To: butlerweave
We won’t bail them out as we are becoming France.
posted on
07/08/2024 8:05:04 AM PDT
(term limits NOW)
To: Red Badger
It appears that they had ballot stuffing in France.
posted on
07/08/2024 8:05:11 AM PDT
(They want each crisis to take the greatest toll possible.)
To: laplata
posted on
07/08/2024 8:05:35 AM PDT
Jane Long
(The role of the GOP: to write sharply-worded letters as America becomes a communist hell-hole.)
To: Red Badger
Someone should remind the French military that “coup” is a French word.
posted on
07/08/2024 8:05:48 AM PDT
Leaning Right
(The steal is real.)
To: Red Badger
Camp of the Saints for real.
posted on
07/08/2024 8:05:49 AM PDT
(The life of a repo man is always intense)
To: Red Badger
We’re looking at the future of America. This is the crap we’re going to get from the Commies and the Fuzzy Muzzies in November along with their thundering herd of freeloader illegal aliens. The current iteration of illegal aliens are not fruit pickers. They’re here for free stuff and the big bucks you get from America, the Piñata Grande. What they like to call “a better life.”
posted on
07/08/2024 8:06:32 AM PDT
(President Trump is a businessman first and a politician second. That's why he's good for America.)
To: Red Badger
Coming to our country. The Dems are going to create chaos this election and it’s starting by the trying to get Biden out. It’s going to get worse.
posted on
07/08/2024 8:07:39 AM PDT
(Live laugh love!cper)
To: Red Badger
France is one of the oldest if not the oldest nations in Europe.
It’s amazing that we are watching them commit suicide after almost 1,200 years of life.
To: Red Badger
Import the Turd world, become the Turd world. Mix them in with your own home grown leftists and reap the disastrous consequences.
posted on
07/08/2024 8:08:04 AM PDT
(Truth or tyranny)
To: Red Badger
Coalitions of anti-truth, anti-individual, anti-freedom, anti-civilization, anti-life collectives UNITE. Watch out for this EVIL.
posted on
07/08/2024 8:10:07 AM PDT
(Past Peak Civilization?)
To: Red Badger
In 1958 the French Army came out of the barracks, sent the Fourth Republic to the showers and put De Gaulle and the Fifth Republic in place.
In May 1968 France's college students attempted to send De Gaulle and the Fifth Republic to the showers and put a Maoist Sixth Republic in place. The gendarmes put that down, although De Gaule was prepared to call out the Army if the trade unionists had joined the students.
It's time for the Army to come out of the barracks, send Macron and the Fifth Republic to the showers and create a Sixth Republic that is based on French conservative values.
posted on
07/08/2024 8:10:28 AM PDT
To: butlerweave
With knives and clubs? And just yesterday Germany was declared a joke by some. Thinking France is possibly taking the trophy now. Slowly the powers of evil have massed enough votes to take over. The UK aint doing much better. Used to be a fun place back in the 60’s.
posted on
07/08/2024 8:11:10 AM PDT
(Destroy America from within? Check! WTH? Enlisted USN 1967 to end up with this💩? 🚫💉! 🇮🇱👍!)
To: Red Badger
France, in my opinion, is headed for a civil war. Emmanuel Macron could end up being one of the first victims.
posted on
07/08/2024 8:12:06 AM PDT
(.FairTax: America's Economic Cure)
To: Red Badger
Liberty! + Fraternity! + Equality! = Be Careful What You Wish For.
posted on
07/08/2024 8:16:06 AM PDT
To: Red Badger
CHAOS IN FRANCE: Leftists and Radical Jihadists Parade in Street Calling for Open Borders and Attacking Police Following Shock Election VictoryExcellent!
Frog Elites richly deserve the Very Best Chaos and Rebellion!
Off with their Heads!!
posted on
07/08/2024 8:17:03 AM PDT
Navy Patriot
(Celebrate Decivilization)
To: butlerweave
This is the so-called center right - Macron - sabotaging conservatism to the benefit of the radical left. RINOism seems a universal disease. The universal mealey mouth self-aggrandizing scheming middle of the road types would rather sacrifice to leftists than give up power to those with the principles that set up their country. Our RINOs here, the Torries in England and now Macron and his traitorous ilk.
So civil war it seems it is going to be. Where is the new French Charles Martel?
To: Red Badger
BREAKING: France Surrenders
posted on
07/08/2024 8:17:42 AM PDT
(Don't underestimate Joe's ability to f*** things up - Barack Obama)
To: xoxox
“You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don’t ever count on having both at once.”
― Robert A. Heinlein
posted on
07/08/2024 8:18:12 AM PDT
Red Badger
(Homeless veterans camp in the streets while illegals are put up in 5 Star hotels....................)
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