I'll withhold judgment. Still waiting for The Fetter Man to catch Schmucky in the senate cloakroom, and whoop the bejeeziz out of him.
Fetterman says exactly what he is supposd to say. Fetterman lives right next door to Pittsburgh's ERUV, Squirrel Hill. Once a very nice place, now just run down and mismanaged. All the jews like to live around threre amd subvert their God with
their ERUV and openly speak of the virtues from the Talmud. And no, I am not making this stuff up. Fetterman has no love for jews, he's just saying all this due to proximity. If he reall wanted to get tough on crime he would be holding a massive protest at city hall
demanding City Council employ more than 12 officers between the hours of 3am and 7am. And yes, that is a thing. the city reduced cops to ONLY 12 CITY WIDE during a time whn everyone is being told to get back into the work offices. Its a full on shit show in PA/PGH. Believe NOTHING coming out of the media concerning this place.