For old time sake, we should put the 50 cals back in 4 or 5 old P-51s and let them do strafing runs. Maybe kick out a few cases of slaughterhouse five the next day. Those wacky fun Lovin Muslims.
A-10s are much deadlier but our chicken shit leaders are canceling their production. Always leading from behind, especially if they are under Democrats.
Couldn’t even put up two F-16s ASAP on 9/11 in our Capitol where there were three airfields/bases within spitting distance of the Pentagon, which was right down the street from me.
Heard the plane come right down Route 95 and crash into the Pentagon. Felt the explosion shock. That was a few blocks from Reagan National Airport, which was next to Bolling Air Field which was next to Andrew Air Field where all the jets were kept to protect DC. Not!