Straight from the horse's mouth: testimony by "palestine" Nazi-Arab leadership. Example, first PLO Leader
Ahmad Shukeiri / Shukairy/Shuqayrī/ al-Sugheiri / Shukeiry [أحمد الشقيري] - testimony, in his 1969 book - blanket statement on the Arabs of Palestine during WWII - infatuation with Hitler. ____ Aḥmad Shuqayrī, Beirut: Dār al-Nahār, 1969, p.196: Our sympathies were with the Axis countries, headed by Hitler who leads them from victory to victory. With our sympathies, our prayers were for victory for Germany. عواطفنا مع دول المحور ، وعلى رأسها هتلر يقودها من نصر الى نصر ، ومع عواطفنا كانت دعواتنا بالظفر لالمانيا. == p.201: We were living great dreams and great hopes in the early stages of World War II. Hitler was a legend of time. Armies and fortresses in Europe and North Africa collapsed before him. . كنا نعيش احلاما كبارا وآمالا عظاما في المراحل الاولى للحرب العالمية الثانية ، فقـد كان هتلر اسطورة الزمان تهـاوت امامـه الجيوشـ والحصـون في اوروبا وشمال افريقيا ، واصبحنا نعد الايام لنشهد اليوم الاغر في عدونا الاكبر بريطانيا التي مكنت.