“..truth about this woman.”
HA HA! Go get em Big Mike!
Good, bad or indifferent a Female candidate will be in the mix
at some time down the road. And could be elected at some time
further down the road. jmo.
A true native American has made a few attempts but has never been
truly in the running.
*Mark Charles is the 2020
*Russell Means ran for President back in 1988.
*Leonard Peltier won the primary for the Peace and Freedom
Party in 200
*Charles Curtis, Kaw citizen, was elected Vice President back
in the 1928.
*In 2016, Faith Spotted Eagle received 1 electoral vote.
*Winona LaDuke also had previously run for VP under the
Green Party in 1996 and 2000.
Source* https://www.reddit.com/r/NativeAmerican/comments/n0yrdn/what_