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To: null and void; aragorn; Axenolith; Baynative; Beautiful_Gracious_Skies; bgill; bitt; Black Agnes; ..

Globalism / Great Reset –
Upcoming meetings of importance
- WHO February 19 to 21, Trans guideline committee.
- WHO pandemic ‘treaty’ May 2024

European farmers, as in one voice, say that the green policies and taxes are taking them to the very edge of bankruptcy, in what becomes in all practical terms a ‘manufactured famine’.

While Germany continues to have mass protests, the attention is shifting to France where reports that truckers, fisherman & construction workers are joining the French Farmers in rejecting their Tyrannical Globalist sell-out Government. A key element of this new development is that it appears a blockade of sorts is developing against Paris - trucker boycotts and farm blockades. If successful, supply chains would be seriously disrupted and shop shelves will be bare within as little as three days.

OBSERVATION - Remember, he who controls the food, controls the population. The growing emphasis from the WEF Davos confab is that agriculture must die. The corollary point is that people must be culled as well via a manufactured famine.

CW2 / Domestic violence - Heightened THREAT

Showdown in TX continues. The beacons of Gondor are lit ! !

biden regime has given TX until close of business today to surrender the Eagle Pass park. So far, TX has not buckled to that demand and the Lt Gov warned federal agencies not to try anything.

TX guard continues to reinforce the 30 mile stretch at Eagle Pass with more razor wire and fencing. The move does not appear to violate the Supreme Court order, which granted federal ‘permission’ for the removal of existing wire, while saying nothing about adding new barriers.

25 Republican governors have signed onto a letter expressing full support to TX in its standoff with the feds. Including TX, 26 states are now being designated by some as “anti-federalist”. This includes about 147 million citizens. If one were to include the Red counties trapped in blue state control, the numbers of Americans supporting TX grows even more, to probably more than half the country. This compact with TX has these states being designated “anti-federalist” in some circles.

The joint statement reads as follows -

“President Biden and his Administration have left Americans and our country completely vulnerable to unprecedented illegal immigration pouring across the Southern border. Instead of upholding the rule of law and securing the border, the Biden Administration has attacked and sued Texas for stepping up to protect American citizens from historic levels of illegal immigrants, deadly drugs like fentanyl, and terrorists entering our country.

“We stand in solidarity with our fellow Governor, Greg Abbott, and the State of Texas in utilizing every tool and strategy, including razor wire fences, to secure the border. We do it in part because the Biden Administration is refusing to enforce immigration laws already on the books and is illegally allowing mass parole across America of migrants who entered our country illegally.

“The authors of the U.S. Constitution made clear that in times like this, states have a right of self-defense, under Article 4, Section 4 and Article 1, Section 10, Clause 3 of the U.S. Constitution. Because the Biden Administration has abdicated its constitutional compact duties to the states, Texas has every legal justification to protect the sovereignty of our states and our nation.”

Signatories include: Governor Kay Ivey (AL), Governor Mike Dunleavy (AK), Governor Sarah Sanders (AR), Governor Ron DeSantis (FL), Governor Brian Kemp (GA), Governor Brad Little (ID), Governor Eric Holcomb (IN), Governor Kim Reynolds (IA), Governor Jeff Landry (LA), Governor Tate Reeves (MS), Governor Mike Parson (MO), Governor Greg Gianforte (MT), Governor Jim Pillen (NE), Governor Joe Lombardo (NV), Governor Chris Sununu (NH), Governor Doug Burgum (ND), Governor Mike DeWine (OH), Governor Kevin Stitt (OK), Governor Henry McMaster (SC), Governor Kristi Noem (SD), Governor Bill Lee (TN), Governor Spencer Cox (UT), Governor Glenn Youngkin (VA), Governor Jim Justice (WV), and Governor Mark Gordon (WY).

This developing compact serves as a shot across the bow of the lawless actions of the regime.

Donald Trump said Thursday -
“... We encourage all willing States to deploy their guards to Texas to prevent the entry of Illegals, and to remove them back across the Border,” he posted to Truth Social. “All Americans should support the commonsense measures by Texas authorities to protect the Safety, Security, and Sovereignty of Texas, and of the American people.”

A great deal of speculation as to what the feds will do to enforce their ultimatum. Here they have to tread VERY lightly otherwise they may provoke a shooting event the likes of which hasn’t been seen since CW1. More rabid leftists now calling for the arrest of Abbot and the placement of a new “governor” until the state is pacified. That isn’t going to fly obviously (but in today’s insanity - they may try it). The nationalization of the NG has raised its head also. This brings the developing compact of the ‘anti-federalist’ states into play - will they respond to the beacons with NG deployments to TX to reinforce the state? This would force the regime to potentially ‘nationalize’ a much larger portion of the Guard - and that nationalization decree may be ignored by the states.

RUMINT a foot regarding large numbers of Patriot militia groups mobilizing and headed to TX. The extent of this ‘mobilization’ may well exaggerated at this moment, but it is highly likely that there are many groups enroute to the border region both from within TX as well as supporting states.

Bottom line - biden’s ultimatum has the potential of lighting a fuse that can expand into a much more serious Constitutional crisis than is currently present. Eagle Pass has been on of the illegal crossing points that has seen thousands of illegals cross on a daily basis for much of the past three years. If biden sends his storm troopers in with guns blazing - all heck will break loose.

Final observation - I am recalibrating my thoughts regarding the configuration of the CW2 conflict should it get that far. Last year the trigger appeared to be primarily due to a societal breakdown and general blue v red fight between urban areas and rural, without definite state-level govt involvement to most of the fighting. Picture a 2020 on steroids if you would. This situation now inserts states as a political entity standing up against fed tyrannical power. This is more the classical view of CW some have pushed.

Should things go sideways, I still expect to see urban areas go up in flames as the social welfare/criminal class take advantage of the situation to consolidate gang power and attack those red elements within reach. Rural red areas will keep the rampaging hordes contained in their cities as the resources and cover they have in those areas are stripped away as they move into rural regions and find a much more lethal and prepared opponent.

Never thought I’d live to see things get this far.

Example of red areas of blue states fighting back against the tyranny of the left

“While virtually all of the “gun-free zones” challenged by Second Amendment groups as part of their litigation against California’s SB 2 have now been placed on hold thanks to an injunction issued by a federal judge, there are still a few “sensitive places” that weren’t a part of those initial challenges where guns are still prohibited. Among them are government buildings, but supervisors in Shasta County, California voted this week to, in essence, ignore state law and allow concealed carry holders to exercise their right to bear arms in those locations… at least if they’re not employed by the county and on the clock.”

OBSERVATION - Leftist controlled states like Kalifornia will face even more opposition from red, predominantly rural areas as pushback on the infringements of constitutional rights continue. Relates directly to the progress of a CW2 scenario.


Upcoming dates of importance
- The Fed next meets on Jan. 30-31.

The nation’s economy grew at an unexpectedly brisk 3.3% annual pace from October through December as Americans showed a continued willingness to spend freely despite high interest rates and price levels that have frustrated many households

Thursday’s report from the Commerce Department said the gross domestic product — the economy’s total output of goods and services — decelerated from its sizzling 4.9% growth rate the previous quarter. But the latest figures still reflected the surprising durability of the world’s largest economy, marking the sixth straight quarter in which GDP has grown at an annual pace of 2% or more. Consumers fueled much of last quarter’s expansion.

For the full year, the economy grew 2.5%, up from 1.9% in 2022.

OBSERVATION - Key aspect is that the main ‘consumer’ has been the US Govt continuing its spending spree. Layoff across the economic spectrum have been increasing - pointing to ever decreasing demands of goods and services by the private sector.


On Thursday, the U.S. government sold the Federal Helium Reserve, a massive underground stockpile based in Amarillo, Texas, that supplies up to 30% of the country’s helium.

Once the deal is finalized, the buyer — which will likely be the highest bidder, the industrial gas company Messer — will claim some 425 miles of pipelines spanning Texas, Kansas and Oklahoma, plus about 1 billion cubic feet of the only element on Earth cold enough to make an MRI machine work.
The sale of the government’s stockpile of the nonrenewable element could exacerbate an existing supply shortage.

A number of factors could trigger a shutdown of the facility that could last as long as three years, said Rich Gottwald, CEO of the Compressed Gas Association, a trade group that represents companies, including Messer, that buy up helium and sell it to hospitals, semiconductor manufacturers, NASA and other customers.

The facility spans three states, each with its own laws. The federal government didn’t need to reconcile state-specific rules, but a private buyer would, he said. Another issue is that helium must be enriched before it can be used, and a separate system is needed to do that. That enrichment system isn’t part of the federal reserve, but is privately owned by four private companies, including Messer; unlike the pipelines and helium itself, it wasn’t for sale.

“A new owner will need to create some sort of lease to use the enrichment unit, or build their own unit to enrich the helium,” Gottwald said. “There’s a whole host of issues that need to be resolved and the concern is, until they’re resolved, the system will need to shut down.”
The sale has been in the works for more than a decade. Congress first mandated it through the Helium Stewardship Act of 2013. It was initially supposed to occur in 2021, but a series of delays — in part due to the same logistical and regulatory issues threatening shutdowns today — postponed the auction to Thursday.

OBSERVATION - Timing is everything and it seems that the govt is suddenly pushing this sale through without working thru the transition issues - to the potential detriment of our healthcare system. Another component to add more chaos to the overall system.

Last Thursday, Bloomberg reported that federal regulators are preparing a proposal to force US banks to utilize the Federal Reserve’s discount window in preparation for future bank crises. The aim, notes Katanga Johnson, is to remove the stigma around tapping into this financial lifeline, part of the continuing fallout from the failures of several significant regional banks last year.

This new policy is reminiscent of the Fed’s actions during the 2007 financial crisis, where financial authorities encouraged large banks to tap into the discount window, taking loans directly from the Federal Reserve, to make it easier for distressed banks to do the same. The hesitancy from financial institutions to tap into this source of liquidity is justified. If the public believes a bank needs support from the Fed, it is rational for depositors to flee the bank. The Fed’s explicit aim is to provide cover from at-risk banks, trying to hold off bank runs that are an inherent risk in our modern fractional reserve banking system.

OBSERVATION - Financial gurus here could likely make more out of this, but as the article notes - this seems to be actions in anticipation of the next banking crisis. Banks are still at great risk since last spring’s melt down of several major banks. This action is not instilling confidence in the system.


Dates of importance
Feb 8 - The Supreme Court is scheduled to hear oral arguments on the Colorado case.
March - latest CR expires
March 5- Super Tuesday primaries

Jeff DeWit resignation as Arizona Republican Party chair and his actions to attempt to bribe Lake into not running for Senate has continued to raise questions of who is the power player behind DeWit’s efforts.

Eyes are beginning to focus on Mitch McConnell. Lake’s American First stance and character would pose a threat to the RINO / Crypto democrat Republicans he leads and upset his apple cart.

The Trump asked the RNC not to take action to essentially crown him the party’s presumptive nominee after his substantial wins in the Iowa caucus and New Hampshire primary.

OBSERVATION - Not really read much of the reasoning behind these actions. On one hand, party unity going into the elections is critical. But I think the real reason is that to call the race so soon puts the Republican party into a situation where they drop out of the political spotlight that these primaries bring. No primaries, no massive Trump rallies, nothing keeping it in the news cycle. A backdoor way to shut down MAGA support from growing? Hmmmm.

Illegal Immigration –

See CW2 on Texas standoff.


House republicans appear to be accelerating the impeachment process of Mayorkas in part due to the escalating crisis between TX and biden (via Mayorkas lead DHS).

OBSERVATION - Republicans are likely to pass articles of impeachment against Mayorkas, though the Senate is unlikely to convict Mayorkas. Symbolism

McConnell’s bipartisan border deal in the US Senate meanwhile faces objections from right and left. This largely due to leaks in the bill that clearly would lock in the tsunami of illegals in for a long time.

OBSERVATION - Now coming into the light and with the present polls indicating that illegal immigration is a concern, it is becoming more and more unlikely that McConnell will gather the republican support to hold off a successful filibuster of the bill.

China –

The most general and also most disturbing news is China’s continuing deflation. According to Beijing’s National Bureau of Statistics, consumer prices in December fell 0.3 percent from the year before. That is a slight improvement over the 0.5 percent deflation recorded in November, but it is hard to make too much of these kinds of month-to-month wiggles.

The fact is that prices are in decline and have been declining off and on since March. Producer prices, which the Chinese authorities call “prices at the factory gate,” tell an even more distressing story. These showed a December drop of 2.7 percent from year-ago levels, the fifteenth consecutive monthly decline.

Deflation—especially the consistent and dramatic sort China has suffered—clearly signals insufficient demand.

China’s still very export-dependent economy needs sales to produce acceptable overall growth rates. Exports to the United States in December fell 6.9 percent from year-ago levels, and exports to the European Union fell 1.9 percent. December exports to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) were 6.14 percent lower than year-ago levels.

The property development collapse of the past two years has left in Chinese financial markets a legacy of questionable debt that has hamstrung the nation’s ability to finance new investments—both public and private—and, hence, growth. The real estate collapse has also depressed homebuilding, an area that until recently was a bulwark of the Chinese economy. At the same time, these problems, by depressing home values and so the net worth of Chinese households, have also held back consumer spending, which China needs now, especially with weak exports.

OBSERVATION - China’s economic woes continue to impact it and places a large target on Xi as he attempts to placate an increasing restless population feeling the pinch of those woes. It further threatens his goals of military build up by sucking money away into trying to hold up the economy and away from military investments - which now seem to be very much misused by corrupt generals.

North/South Korea –

More analysis is being given to NK’s recent war rhetoric as being something more than the historic chest beating by its leadership.

Kim ordered a monument meant to symbolize hope for reunification torn down.

“Kim last week described the Pyongyang monument as an “eyesore” and called for its removal while declaring that the North was abandoning long-standing goals of a peaceful unification with South Korea and ordered a rewriting of the North’s constitution to define the South as its most hostile foreign adversary.”

U.S. officials to NYT have stated that North Korea could conduct lethal military actions against South Korea in the coming months. South Korean officials previously warned of this possibility, and they don’t rule out it could occur near the upcoming South Korean elections (which will occur in April) or later in the year.

OBSERVATION - While Kim has been calling on his country to prepare for war over the past several years, I’m willing to give the analysts the benefit of the doubt that he is indeed turned a corner and moving forward beyond rhetoric to actual war planning and eventual execution. His growing strategic arsenal including nukes would be the base for his military operations. His ground pounders as still suffering from poor, outdated equipment and lack of training (they have been forced in recent years to work in the fields to grow food for themselves).

Russia -

WAR WATCH - into the second year of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine - Feb 24th, 2022

CURRENT ASSESSMENT - Updated Jan 1, 2024

With the end of the Ukraine summer offensive and the ongoing winter mud season, Russia is struggling to gain the initiative on several fronts in easter Ukraine. Russia maintains it attacks to take Avdiivka, even in the face of huge losses. Russia continues to launch smaller attacks daily across the front lines.

Russian has been shepherding its stockpile of missiles/drones with the likelihood of attempting to take down the Ukraine power grid as they did winter 2023. This task has become increasingly difficult as Ukraine adds air defense systems and gets better coverage.

The Russian Black Sea fleet is is essentially impotent and hesitant to deploy into now contested waters. In the latest, large missile / drone attack, the Black Sea fleet was noticeably out of action. In the last half of 2023, Ukraine was able to take out about 20% of the fleet.

While Russia has reportedly about 400K of soldiers in the theater, all evidence indicates that they are poorly trained and equipped. Russian forces are increasingly having to rely on 50’s and 60’s vintage tanks, APCs and other vehicles. Russian large assaults continue to be what are referred to as ‘meat’ attacks - throwing large numbers of lightly armed, foot troops at Ukraine defenses in hopes of overwhelming them. These tactics ‘worked’ at Bakhmut but there Russia still had a superiority in artillery support. Concerted efforts by Ukraine to locate and destroy Russian artillery, combined with wear and tear taking systems out and poor/no ammo has generally caused Russia to lose the edge in artillery firepower.

Russian leadership reportedly planning for a long duration conflict, hoping to wear the Ukraine army down and cause European allies to tire of their support - forcing some sort of cease fire and negotiated peace.

Russia is believed to be trying to muster a force for a winter offensive, once the soils freeze up and permit cross country maneuver. Focus of such an offensive has not solidified but the most likely candidate for one front is the continued attempt to eliminate the salient at Adviivka.


Putin reportedly offering an end to the war, granting Ukraine NATO membership, but has to concede territory captured to Russia.

Ukraine –

WEATHER FORECAST – Temperatures in the 20-30 range with scattered snow

24 HOUR ROUND UP – Weather continues to dominate action on the ground. However, temperatures are reaching levels around Ukraine that are starting to freeze the ground locally, meaning that ground operations may have their tempo increase over the coming days/weeks.

Ukrainian air defense shot down Kh-59 missile in Mykolaiv region, otherwise slow drone / missile day for both sides.

Russian Territory –
Big explosion reported in Vyborg of Leningrad region, possible Ukraine drone strike.

Outlook —

Weather and mud conditions are continuing to dictate ground operations, which are at a low level due to lack of maneuverability cross country and on dirt roads due to the mud. However, seeing reports that the ground is beginning to solidify in areas, to the level of being capable to support off road movement. Recent warming in some parts of the front will delay that freezing.

Europe / NATO General –

Mass demonstrations in Slovakia against the new pro-russian government. The demonstrations have been going on for over a week now and are continuing to grow.


Key overnight developments -

- ICJ rules against Israel and for S Africa

——— GENERAL ——————————-

Lest we forget - there are still 136 being held hostage in Gaza.

British Foreign Secretary - There is progress towards stopping the fighting in Gaza, bringing in aid and liberating the hostages

The International Court of Justice, on a 15 to 2 vote, demands Israel take all measures to prevent acts of genocide in Gaza. The ICJ also calls on Hamas to immediately release all hostages and has not ordered a ceasefire in its interim ruling.

——— GAZA FRONT ———————————-

Intense fighting continues as IDF presses into Hamas strongholds in Khan Younis.

In N Gaza, fierce firefights broke out between IDF and Hamas elements as Israel struggles to prevent infiltration of previously secured areas by Hamas.

Hamas’ supply of 20,000 rockets at the start of the war has dwindled to a few hundred, security sources estimate. In the first four hours of the October 7 attack, Hamas fired 3,000 rockets and mortars towards Israel. In total, over the course of the war, around 9,000 rockets crossed into Israeli territory. IDF operations have significantly reduced the supply of rockets which the terror groups still hold. In order to further reduce Hamas’ abilities to manufacture rockets during the fighting, and reduce the ability to fire rockets on the “day after” the war ends, the IDF is focusing on locating the rocket manufacturing sites.

——— LEBANON / HEZBOLLAH——————————-

Continued exchanges of fire between Hezbollah and IDF along the border.

The IDF on Thursday attacked a key Hezbollah-Iranian airstrip in Kilat Jaber, Lebanon, that was used for launching aerial attacks against Israel, in a major escalation between the sides.

——— SYRIA / HEZBOLLAH / IRAN———————————-

Israel’s Minister of Economy Nir Barkat hinted at a possible expansion of war in the Middle East by reportedly saying Wednesday that Iran is a “legitimate target” for Israeli missile strikes.

“Iran is a legitimate target for Israel,” Barkat told The Telegraph. “They will not get away with it. The head of the snake is Tehran. My recommendation is to adopt the strategy that President [John F.] Kennedy used in the Cuban missile crisis. What he basically said then was a missile from Cuba will be answered with a missile to Moscow.

“And we should very, very clearly make sure the Iranians understand that they will not get away with using proxies against Israel and sleep good at night if we don’t sleep good at night.”

———WEST BANK——————————-

Continued Israeli security forces operations to arrest Hamas and affiliated terrorists

———“ISLAMIC RESISTANCE” ———————————

A second French warship has arrived in the Red Sea region as part of efforts to ensure freedom of navigation, the French army said on Thursday.

——— FORECAST ————————-

Israel to continue search and destroy operations across Gaza. Fighting to continue to be intense in central and S Gaza while N Gaza levels are dropping fast.

Hamas infiltration back into the north is causing IDF some problems. Whether by tunnels, going to ground or disguised as refugees moving back, they have thrown a wrench into IDF efforts to stabilize and secure the north.

Iran –

This round of the Assembly of Experts is expected to select the next Supreme Leader, given that Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is nearly 85 and has been sick repeatedly.

Iran’s Guardian Council’s decision this week to disqualify virtually all “pragmatists,” including former president Hassan Rouhani, from public office makes ongoing conflict between Israel and Iran’s proxies a virtual certainty, and war more likely than ever.

At stake on March 1 are both the parliamentary elections as well as elections for the 88-member, eight-year term Assembly of Experts.

OBSERVATION - Look to hard liners to rise to the top as Iran surges its efforts against Israel and the West.

Iraq -

The U.S. and Iraq will “in the coming days” begin discussions on the future of American and Coalition troops in that troubled county, according to Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin on Thursday.

Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani put it more bluntly earlier this month, releasing a statement saying the talks were to “end the presence of the international coalition forces in Iraq permanently.”

OBSERVATION - This combined with growing speculation that the regime is planning to pull out of eastern Syria indicates a potential full retreat from the region. This is in essence a win for Iran against the US and the west.

127 posted on 01/26/2024 7:40:12 AM PST by Godzilla (“When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty” - Thomas Jefferson )
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To: Godzilla

It’s about time states stood up to this kind of tyranny.

128 posted on 01/26/2024 8:41:03 AM PST by metmom (He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus…)
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To: Godzilla

Importand stuff... thanks zilla...

Last Thursday, Bloomberg reported that federal regulators are preparing a proposal to force US banks to utilize the Federal Reserve’s discount window in preparation for future bank crises. The aim, notes Katanga Johnson, is to remove the stigma around tapping into this financial lifeline, part of the continuing fallout from the failures of several significant regional banks last year.

This new policy is reminiscent of the Fed’s actions during the 2007 financial crisis, where financial authorities encouraged large banks to tap into the discount window, taking loans directly from the Federal Reserve, to make it easier for distressed banks to do the same. The hesitancy from financial institutions to tap into this source of liquidity is justified. If the public believes a bank needs support from the Fed, it is rational for depositors to flee the bank. The Fed’s explicit aim is to provide cover from at-risk banks, trying to hold off bank runs that are an inherent risk in our modern fractional reserve banking system.

OBSERVATION - Financial gurus here could likely make more out of this, but as the article notes - this seems to be actions in anticipation of the next banking crisis. Banks are still at great risk since last spring’s melt down of several major banks. This action is not instilling confidence in the system.

129 posted on 01/26/2024 7:42:48 PM PST by GOPJ (“POSIWID” systems engineer's acronym that stands for “the Purpose Of a System Is What It Does.”)
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To: null and void; aragorn; Axenolith; Baynative; Beautiful_Gracious_Skies; bgill; bitt; Black Agnes; ..

OMG - levels of activity across the board are at screeching high levels.

Globalism / Great Reset –
Upcoming meetings of importance
- WHO February 19 to 21, Trans guideline committee.
- WHO pandemic ‘treaty’ May 2024

Biden administration has halted the approval process on multiple liquid natural gas export stations. These stations were already approved by the energy department, but now they must wait at least a year for a rigorous environmental check.

In 2022 Biden met with European leaders and promised natural gas from the US to help them break reliance on Russia. Now, that promise will be broken for at least the next year.

The WH pause on the development of LNG facilities along the east coast and gulf region will hit the economy hard. TX is particularly hit hard.

White House:
“This pause on new LNG approvals sees the climate crisis for what it is: the existential threat of our time. While MAGA Republicans willfully deny the urgency of the climate crisis, condemning the American people to a dangerous future, my Administration will not be complacent. We will not cede to special interests.”

The White House’s climate team reportedly made this crucial decision regarding a major natural gas project after meeting with a 25-year-old social media influencer, according to The New York Times.

The final decision on CP2 and other LNG export terminals may have serious geopolitical ramifications, too. U.S. LNG exports to Europe have increased substantially since Russia invaded Ukraine, and America’s allies on the continent will need continued access to American LNG to meet demand as they wean off Russian supply, the natural gas trade groups wrote in their letter to Granholm.

OBSERVATION - This pause is likely a first step to kill the project off entirely. It has double impact. The timing when associated to the standoff in TX, the pause would have great economic impacts to TX. Secondly, it is showing European allies once again that the US is not a reliable ally, cutting off promised LNG shipments that were to make up the gap in the loss of Russian NG.

Note - “We will not cede to special interests”, unless they are some obscure TicToker leading a rabble of environmental wackos.

Also Note the use lately of the term “existential threat of our time”. This is a catch phrase that seems to be echoing the Davos WEF confab. This will increasing be used as the justification for more shutdown of the coal, oil and gas industry IMHO, it suggests that in 2024, biden is going to make the play for WEF global warming cutoffs in a big and ominous way. If the left feels that Trump is going to win, they want to burn everything up before he gets into office to make his term as difficult as possible.

See “Europe / NATO General” below sharp turn to the right forecast in upcoming elections. This trend was a discussion point that reflected worry on the part of the globalists and unbelief that the unwashed masses would reject their utopian dreams.

CW2 / Domestic violence - Heightened THREAT

Showdown in TX continues. The beacons of Gondor are lit ! !

Yesterday, it was rumored that biden had given TX until 1 PM EST to surrender. That time has come and passed with no action by biden’s regime. There were abundant rumors that biden was going to order military actions, but that hasn’t panned out.

The regime has apparently lost the support of the Border Patrol. In statements yesterday the BP rebuked threats from the regime.

The Border Patrol Union says it will not start arresting Texas National Guard members for “following their lawful orders.” The post to X continues by saying:
“TX NG and rank-and-file BP agents work together and respect each other’s jobs. Period. If TX NG members have LAWFUL orders, then they have to carry out those orders.”

In an interview Tucker Carleton, Gov. Abbott says ten other states have sent national guard to the Texas border, and others will follow. Abbott says he is “prepared” for a conflict with federal authorities.

In response to the regime’s demands, Texas Attorney General Paxton responded to DHS denying the agency’s demands to get access to Shelby Park in Eagle Pass—Paxton makes a list of counter-demands:

“By February 15, DHS must supply the official plat maps and deeds demonstrating the precise parcels to which they claim ownership, an explanation of how Texas is preventing access to those specific parcels, documentation showing that Eagle Pass or Texas ever granted permission for DHS to erect infrastructure that interferes with border security, and proof of Congress empowering DHS to turn a Texas park into an unofficial and illegal port of entry. If the federal government is going to make such claims, it must provide proof.”

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said Friday he is willing to send members of the Florida State Guard to Texas to assist with Gov. Greg Abbott’s declared invasion of illegal immigrants from Mexico.

“We may do more National Guard, but we may be willing to do the Florida State Guard,”said during a news conference in Kissimmee, Florida. “The president would not be able to federalize the State Guard.

Florida lawmakers are working on legislation to remove a requirement the Florida State Guard be used exclusively within the state. Nearly every state has laws authorizing State Guards, and 21 states and Puerto Rico have active units, according to the National Guard Magazine.

Oklahoma is getting ready to send their National Guard to help Texas in their fight against illegal immigration and the Biden administration.
The announcement came from Governor Kevin Stitt.
“We’ve already started putting the numbers together. We’ll be in contact with Governor Abbott.”

Abbot for his part is rallying the Texas State Guard to mobilize for border defense as well. Texas is offering cash for Texas Military Department (TMD) members who will man the borders — the latest development amid tensions with the Biden administration over the southern border.
According to the TMD website, the state is aiming “to deploy border security assets to high threat areas to deny criminal organizations the ability to illegally move drugs and people into Texas.”

The State Guard concept is that of an independent military force raised by the state that is not under federal scrutiny or control. According to TX -
“The Texas State Guard is the state defense force branch of the Texas Military Department. Tasked with providing first response and civil defense force capabilities during Texas disasters and emergencies, the Texas State Guard is the premier state defense force in the United States.”

Though there are a lot of rumors flowing around out there, but it appears that biden for now is backing off to a degree and looking to let the legal channels flow - the Texas’ Fifth Circuit Court case, still nearly two weeks away on 07 February from hearing the case.

In the interim, the regime may try to take other “Other” mechanisms could include economic punishments. Some view the halting of the approval process on multiple liquid natural gas export stations to be one of those measures as TX stands to lose the most from the closures.

There is still potential for the regime to do something rash given the unstable mental conditions of biden and his handlers. But it think the collective response of affiliated states and the growth of movement of those states to move men to the border in support of TX may have given them second thoughts. Still a very hazardous situation.

BURIED under the TX standoff news, Atlanta city officials held an emergency press conference on Jan. 26 after more construction equipment was destroyed in an arson attack by far-left extremists “Forest Defenders” “part of the “stop cop city” terror conspiracy.

IN RELATED “Forest Defenders,” said they targeted a Rolls Royce subsidiary MTU Solutions tech training center in Canton, MI, for vandalism and left behind caltrops, small metal devices meant to puncture vehicle tires.
Another group of “Forest Defenders” in Atlanta, GA, said they targeted two Nationwide Insurance offices because Nationwide is the primary insurance provider for “Cop City.”

OBSERVATIONS - Antifa attacks to stop the project were scheduled to start last week and this is the first info that has popped up on my radar for it. In the past Antifa has vandalized construction equipment in an effort to cause the contractor to withdraw from the project. Apparently, police protection of the site has been substandard since it allowed this arson attacks to be successful. This guerrilla warfare has been successfully prosecuted by Antifa over the past couple years


Upcoming dates of importance
- The Fed next meets on Jan. 30-31.

The US Federal Reserve’s favored measure of inflation ticked higher last month, according to government data published Friday, indicating that its long-running battle against rising prices is not over yet.

The personal consumption expenditures (PCE) price index rose at an annual rate of 2.6 percent last month, unchanged from November, the Department of Commerce said in a statement.

On a monthly level, headline PCE inflation rose by 0.2 percent in December, up from a 0.1 percent decline a month earlier. This was in line with market expectations, according to

“The inflation data support a shift in the FOMC’s policy stance this year, from holding rates steady to lowering them over time,” High Frequency Economics chief US economist Rubeela Farooqi wrote in a note to clients, referring to the rate-setting Federal Open Market Committee.

OBSERVATION - I suspect this will play into a Fed decision to leave the prime rate where it is until its next meeting and decision point.

Military / Strategic Activity / Deployments –

“US to station nuclear weapons in UK to counter threat from Russia, - The Telegraph

Warheads to be housed at RAF Lakenheath for first time in 15 years, Pentagon documents reveal, as Moscow warns of ‘escalation’.

OBSERVATION - Combine this with the warnings over the past few weeks from European nations that a war with Russia is coming and coming soon and red flags should start to pop up.

The Army and Navy are tossing its mandate for potential recruits to have a high school diploma or GED certificate to enlist in the service, in one of the most dramatic moves yet in the escalating recruiting crisis hitting the entire Defense Department.

On Thursday, the services announced that individuals may enlist without those previously required education certifications if they ship to basic training this fiscal year, which ends Oct. 1.

Recruits must also be at least 18 years old and otherwise qualify for a job in the active-duty Army. They also must score at least a 50 on the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery, or ASVAB, an SAT-style quiz to measure a potential recruit’s academic ability.

A 50 on the test is a relatively low score, with 31 being the minimum to qualify for service.

OBSERVATION - An important standard has dropped - not that HS diplomas are worth that much any more in todays indoctrination over education environment where may HS grads can’t even read their diplomas. Our military has gotten very high tech - even infantry has to have a good head on their shoulders in today combat environment.

Wuhan and other “new” Plandemics –

The federal government has changed the regulations that require informed consent for medical experiments. If a review board decides that informing people of risks will interfere with medical research, it can waive the requirement.

The rules change is said to include only “minimal risk” studies, but then again, we have been told repeatedly that medical procedures like getting a COVID vaccine are risk-free, and things like puberty blockers are “completely reversible,” so you might think twice about their definition of “minimal risk.”

OBSERVATION - Nuremberg codes explicitly prohibit waiving informed consent for medical research of any kind. Slippery slope - some medical researcher wants to test something, but doesn’t want to go thru the hassle of obtaining informed consent - then define it as ‘minimal risk’ and screw the subjects of the test.


Dates of importance
Feb 8 - The Supreme Court is scheduled to hear oral arguments on the Colorado case.
March - latest CR expires
March 5- Super Tuesday primaries


Too much going on to comprehensively note. Much political activity is being covered under other subject areas.

Take a note of the article linked under Venezuela below - provides insight on leftist political operations that are also in play here in the US.

Biden / Harris Watch –

Dates to watch -
March 7 - State of the union

WH staffers are leaving only to join the biden campaign. Not an unusual occurrence.

Illegal Immigration –

See CW2 on Texas standoff.


Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick:
“Every American citizen has to ask: Why is Joe Biden allowing 8 million people to come here? It’s because they have a long game. The Marxists Leftist Democrats...they see this as potential voters.”

John Kirby: “This idea that there’s no vetting and there’s no proper immigration enforcement going on at the border just does not comport with reality.”

Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., told House GOP conference members that a rumored bipartisan Senate deal involving Ukraine aid and southern border policy would be “dead on arrival” in the lower chamber.

“If rumors about the contents of the draft proposal are true, it would have been dead on arrival in the House anyway,” Johnson wrote in his letter, Politico reported.

OBSERVATION - One of these ‘rumors’ is the allowance of 5000 illegal entrances per day before ‘shutting the border down’ This comes to a whopping 1.8 million plus illegals penetrating the country per year. Those numbers greatly exceed the Trump and previous years numbers by a huge margin.

In Friday news dump, CBP officially reports 302,034 migrant encounters in December, the highest month ever recorded. CBP also reports Border Patrol arrested 19 people on the FBI terror watchlist in December, bringing the total to 50 arrests for fiscal year 2024 so far.

OBSERVATION - Under leaked Senate plans, those 5000/day would round up to some 150,000 illegal entrances per month. Think - that ‘seems’ to be a small number when compared to the 300,000+. During the Trump years for comparison, monthly numbers were generally BELOW 50,000 per month (this would be met in 10 days under the senate plan), with one spike of 132,856 in May 2019 - still less than this senate ‘plan’.

Russia -

WAR WATCH - into the second year of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine - Feb 24th, 2022

CURRENT ASSESSMENT - Updated Jan 1, 2024

With the end of the Ukraine summer offensive and the ongoing winter mud season, Russia is struggling to gain the initiative on several fronts in easter Ukraine. Russia maintains it attacks to take Avdiivka, even in the face of huge losses. Russia continues to launch smaller attacks daily across the front lines.

Russian has been shepherding its stockpile of missiles/drones with the likelihood of attempting to take down the Ukraine power grid as they did winter 2023. This task has become increasingly difficult as Ukraine adds air defense systems and gets better coverage.

The Russian Black Sea fleet is is essentially impotent and hesitant to deploy into now contested waters. In the latest, large missile / drone attack, the Black Sea fleet was noticeably out of action. In the last half of 2023, Ukraine was able to take out about 20% of the fleet.

While Russia has reportedly about 400K of soldiers in the theater, all evidence indicates that they are poorly trained and equipped. Russian forces are increasingly having to rely on 50’s and 60’s vintage tanks, APCs and other vehicles. Russian large assaults continue to be what are referred to as ‘meat’ attacks - throwing large numbers of lightly armed, foot troops at Ukraine defenses in hopes of overwhelming them. These tactics ‘worked’ at Bakhmut but there Russia still had a superiority in artillery support. Concerted efforts by Ukraine to locate and destroy Russian artillery, combined with wear and tear taking systems out and poor/no ammo has generally caused Russia to lose the edge in artillery firepower.

Russian leadership reportedly planning for a long duration conflict, hoping to wear the Ukraine army down and cause European allies to tire of their support - forcing some sort of cease fire and negotiated peace.

Russia is believed to be trying to muster a force for a winter offensive, once the soils freeze up and permit cross country maneuver. Focus of such an offensive has not solidified but the most likely candidate for one front is the continued attempt to eliminate the salient at Adviivka.


More cities have lost power and heat across Russia as the cold spell continues and substandard maintenance of systems are being exposed.

Ukraine –

WEATHER FORECAST – Temperatures in the 20-30 range with scattered snow

24 HOUR ROUND UP – Weather continues to dominate action on the ground. However, temperatures are reaching levels around Ukraine that are starting to freeze the ground locally, meaning that ground operations may have their tempo increase over the coming days/weeks.

Russia launched small attacks (company sized and smaller) along the southern and eastern fronts, the largest concentrated around Avdiivka. The return of the dominant Russian artillery is also evident in the increasing numbers and intensity of attacks.

Outlook —

Weather and mud conditions are continuing to dictate ground operations, which are at a low level due to lack of maneuverability cross country and on dirt roads due to the mud.

Ukraine is having more and more success in taking down Russian drones via electronic warfare. This trend is likely to continue. Russia, meanwhile, has been putting increased efforts in defeating the small drones that have been causing havoc in its ranks. So far they haven’t found the right mix and it seems that Ukraine is one step ahead of them in producing jam-proof systems.

Europe / NATO General –

The upcoming European Parliament elections will see a “sharp turn to the right” as populist parties are projected to be victorious in at least nine EU member states and come in second or third in a further nine countries.

According to an analysis of opinion polls in each EU member state in combination with statistical modeling based on the previous performance of national parties, the globalist European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) think tank has predicted that right-wing populist parties will come out on top in Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, France, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, and Slovakia in the European Parliament elections in June.

Meanwhile, the report predicted that populist parties will also make big gains in Bulgaria, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Portugal, Romania, Spain, and Sweden, where they are on pace to either come in second or third place in the votes.

OBSERVATION - Resulting push back on EU’s taking lead on various WEF/globalist agendas that are crushing the peoples of Europe. This being seen most recently in the massive farmer protests that have broken out across the continent as well as protests against unrestrained immigration of middle east and north africans.


Key overnight developments -

- Hostage videos released by Hamas.

- ICJ ruling reverberations spreading

- UNRWA underfire for employees that actively participated in the Oct 7 events and accusations that UNRWA has long known and supported Hamas with personnel and supplies/equipment.

- US naval actions to protect shipping thru the Red Sea are failing, and failing spectacularly.

——— GENERAL ——————————-

Lest we forget - there are still 136 being held hostage in Gaza.

Hamas released a hostage video. The hostages shown in the clip are 19-year old Karina Ariev, 31-year old Doron Steinbrecher and 19-year old Daniella Glib.

Some 20 women are among the 130 or so remaining hostages in Gaza. Hamas refused to release them, saying that even those who were not soldiers were once in the Israeli military. Hamas has also refused to allow Red Cross visits, in violation of international law, and broke a deal this week to prove that medicines sent from Israel via Qatar had actually been delivered to the hostages.

There are reports that the female hostages are being raped by Hamas terrorists and otherwise sexually assaulted and degraded. This is standard practice under islamic rules of war.

Two diplomats at the UN tell there are active discussions about bringing yesterday’s ICJ ruling to the Security Council to pass a resolution enforcing the provisional measures

The US State Department halted funding for UNRWA pending an investigation into its involvement in the October 7th massacre. Britain, Australia, Canada and Italy announced on Saturday the suspension of their funding to UNRWA as well.

The UNRWA said Friday it had fired the employees in question.

Hussein al-Sheikh, secretary general of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) said on Saturday on X.

“We call on countries that announced the cessation of their support for UNRWA to immediately reverse their decision,” he said.

This scandal is growing to suggest/claim that UNRWA has known and condoned its employee’s act participation in Hamas and may have contributed resources to the terrorist organization.

The World Court ordered Israel on Friday to prevent acts of genocide against the Palestinians and do more to help civilians, although it stopped short of ordering a ceasefire as requested by South Africa.

——— GAZA FRONT ———————————-

Intense fighting continues as IDF presses into Hamas strongholds in Khan Younis. However, Hamas is running out of places to hide and forces to fight with.

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said on Thursday that more than 100 Hamas terrorists had been caught in the previous 36 hours, as the IDF pushes forward in Khan Yunis in southern Gaza.

“Hamas is collapsing into its own tunnels that it painstakingly dug. Every place it thought would be a trap for IDF soldiers becomes an area where we hit it,” Gallant told soldiers serving in the elite Yahalom combat engineering unit.
“In the past day and a half, we have over 100 captives, some of them who came up from underground, in the Khan Yunis area and also in other places, because they realize that they can’t fight against the IDF,” he added.

——— LEBANON / HEZBOLLAH——————————-

Continued exchanges of fire between Hezbollah and IDF along the border.

———WEST BANK——————————-

Continued Israeli security forces operations to arrest Hamas and affiliated terrorists

———“ISLAMIC RESISTANCE” ———————————

Marshall Islands-flagged tanker MARLIN LUANDA reportedly on fire and requiring assistance after a Houthi missile strike. Reporting indicates the tanker is chartered to Trafigura and carrying highly-flammable naphtha. In an update on Saturday, Trafigura said all crew were safe and that the fire in a cargo tank had been put out. The ship was now sailing towards a safe harbour, the company said. The ship was sailing in the Gulf of Aden before the attack.

This engagement happened in the same area as the incident on Thursday in which two US-flagged and US-owned container ships and the USS Gravely were forced to beat an ignominious retreat out of missile range.
US led airstrikes on Houthi positions in Ra’s Issa, Hudaydah, Yemen, reportedly in response to the Houthi attacks.

The Islamic Resistance in a statement will not comply with the US and Iraqi negotiations, and will carry on with attacking US forces in Iraq and Syria untill a full coalition forces withdrawal.

——— FORECAST ————————-

Israel to continue search and destroy operations across Gaza. Fighting to continue to be intense in central and S Gaza while N Gaza levels are dropping fast.

The US mission to protect shipping thru the Red Sea has become a dumpster fire. A cluster of unbelievable magnitude.

The Houthis have successfully expanded the battlespace to include the northern half of the Gulf of Aden. They are also becoming more successful at hitting ships in spite of the presence of a US carrier strike group in the area and even dedicated escorts. In fact, the successful challenge of a US escorted pair of cargo ships that forced them to retreat is disgusting. The US navy is losing to the Houthi.

The US is failing in its efforts to enforce freedom of navigation. Its timidity and weakness has only serve to embolden the Houthi’s - as I’ve repeatedly pointed out.

Iraq -

The Pentagon pushed back on reports that the U.S. is withdrawing from Iraq as the two countries announced a joint military commission focused on the next stage of its mission to defeat ISIS.

U.S. officials on Thursday announced the launch of the Higher Military Commission, or HMC. The working group plans to assess the U.S.-Iraq military partnership based on threats posed by ISIS, operational and environmental requirements and capabilities of the Iraqi Security Forces, a senior defense official told reporters in a briefing.

“The HMC meeting is not in negotiation about the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq,” the defense official said. “The United States and the coalition are in Iraq at the invitation of the Iraqi government to fight ISIS.”

OBSERVATION - The momentum is gathering - the US is going to be headed out before the end of the year IMHO.

Venezuela -

“The second to worst worst thing that can happen to a civil society is civil war. The only thing worse than that is what Venezuela is living with right now, a dictatorship in which there is no hope of democratic change or equal justice. In Nicolas Maduro’s Venezuela his voice is the only one that matters. It has been that way since he took over as the hand-picked successor to communist blowhard Hugo Chavez in 2013.”

OBSERVATION - Take a deep breath and read the article twice. Notice any parallels to the US? It reads as the democrat play book for 2024. Hardly needs further commentary. Read it.

130 posted on 01/27/2024 7:45:56 AM PST by Godzilla (“When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty” - Thomas Jefferson )
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