I love those spotted kitties!
Good morning. I hope you feel well rested from yesterday’s fatigue.
I’ll go pick up the groceries this morning, then come back and sort pills. I haven’t slept well the last couple of nights, so it will catch up with me soon.
I’ll have to have Chip tranquilized by the vet, because I want to have him groomed to try and get rid of that “sick” smell he has. I’ll also have to try and get his pillow washed to rid it of the smell as well. Poor baby. Who knew FIV would do that to a kitty?
I’ll have to get a net, soon. I have a plan of how to catch him for the carrier, and I think it will work. But everything will have to be coordinated quite well. The catch, the vet, the groomer and the pillow. Maybe I’ll just get a new pillow and swap them out to wash them.
But like I said, I’ll do it with as little stress as possible. He’s had my heart since before we left the sanctuary!
It's important to nurture our feline family members back to full health so they can snub us in the regal manner in which they are accustomed.
Jake’s favorite thing is microfiber fleece blankets that he can diligently claw. He has several, and they’re inexpensive at Walmart.
Not bad, thanks. We had thunderstorms again. I just went out to the garden, and it looks like the vegetable plants weren’t damaged. When things dry out a little, I’ll sprinkle some diatomaceous earth.