What do they think of his claims to have cleaned up fraud on e-bay and in auto insurance? It’s kind of depressing how you have all these hounds baying through the woods with absolute certainty that they’ve got the scent ( like Truethevote and the Chinese servers, Patrick Byrne and whatever he’s doing, of course Mike Lindell) but the vote fraud is just like some mangy crow flying overhead, looking down and cackling at them.
It does seem like people get caught up on one thing and every other idea gets shot down as a fraud
I would view Jay Valentine with skepticism but with an open mind to see what he’s offering, I certainly wouldn’t shoot him down as a con man
I’ve had numerous heated debates with people on FR about voter fraud and they have all been fixated on the electronic machines being hacked and any other idea means you are denying voter fraud
I personally believe millions of voters are listed on voter rolls fraudulently and thru mail in voting and ballot harvesting those votes get counted
The logical point I try to make is, if democrats can hack machines why do they push so hard for alternative voting methods like mail in voting and ballot harvesting