Vermont? The state that elects Bernie Sanders to term after term?
Vermont and Maine were the only 2 states to never vote for the traitor fdr.
Before Bernie Sanders, VT had an object of worship known as Scott Nearing (1883-1983). Radical, socialist, vegetarian, “ascetic” fellow who owned a large piece of farmland in VT, worth many millions of dollars. He’s the archtype. Typical leftist hypocrite.
His kind are everywhere, virtue signaling their respect for earth and all its creatures (equally), reading Foxfires and VT Country Store catalogues, pursuing crafts, beadwork, herbs and mushrooms, keeping bees, keeping warm with wood stoves, culturing yogurt, knitting with dog hair, tapping maple syrup — nothing wrong with such activities, by themselves, I practice several of them too — but they never shut up about their earth-olatry, their harmony with the universe, their degrees in sociology. It’s all a big heap of compost. Posturing as superior, they’re down with enslaving their inferiors. Of course they’re all affluent, and the wealth isn’t from selling pomanders.
There are pockets of them everywhere, VT is just a bigger pocket than most.
I personally know several dozen residents, nearly all women, many Bennington alum, and they are all faux, from their $300 sun hats down to the birkenstocks. Their families, the same. Not a Trump voter among them. No detectable Republicans. I highly doubt any of them own guns.
It’s a gorgeous state, but it attracts oddballs.
Curious fact: When Sanders first won election to Congress in 1990, he ran to the right(!) of the liberal Republican freshman incumbent, Peter Smith, on the issue of guns. Smith was for gun control, Sanders wasn’t. And he’s never lost a race since.